Recommendation /// Rebaelliun - Annihilation

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay

Trade in your Krisiun shirts as this band clowns on them with so much brutality it's if you were listening to the soundtrack to the holocaust. But this isn't about jews people, this is about Heavy Fucking Metal dropping from the heavens like a negar to the floor with a sky copter 9 highlight beaming down upon him!!! The drumming in this album makes Lars Ulrich seem like a pre-schooler banging away on a "Fisher Price" beat and spell. Oh...wait.:erk:

Unfuckingfathomable!!! Is that a sonic boom I just heard, I think they broke the sound barrier. Oh nevermind, that's just my brother playing Street Fight Alpha, my bad. Nevertheless if you like your Death Methull dark and dirty like Suspiria's underoos at a bake sale, I highly suggest picking up this 38 minute disc of unparalleled bombaciousness!!! The bass is somewhat drowned out by the ripping guitar whose riffs and solos shred like lettuce on a taco. (Ho hum, no biggy.) Did I mention these guys are from Brazil!?!?

Brazil the home of the Acai, how the hell can you go wrong?!?!

1. Annihilation
2. Rebellious Vengeance
3. Steel Siege
4. Red Spikes
5. Unleash the Fire
6. Unborn Consecration
7. God of a Burned Land
8. Bringer of War
9. Defying the Plague

I tried, but just way too monotonous for my tastes, it's just a constant barrage of non-grooving riffs, drum-drum-drum-drums & monotone demonic growls. I was bored in a minute, and then wanted to smash my head through the monitor after five to try and shut it off (it didn't work, my speakers were still on).
My problem with it, after listening to all 4 samples, was as I started each track (right after their intros, track 6's intro is grand), I came down with a case of "Didn't I just hear this?" syndrome. Granted as each song gets going after that, I seem to be sent into an epic furious frenzy, in which I begin beating the ever living shit out of my St. Bernard.

I'll have to check out the full album. Definitely a band I'd want to see live, thats for sure. Any opinion on their previous Full Length or EP?
Their previous album isn't as good according to the word I got out on the street. They really step up the musicianship on this one. I will agree that it does come off as monotonous on the first go a round. Give it a good 8 listens and you'll catch all the hooks. :loco:
Best recommendation so far. Pretty brutal, and and definitely full of enjoyable, killer riffs and good musicianship. This really reminds me of their fellow countrymen Abhorrence and Krisiun. Bonus points for the hilarious review!
I've definitely got a soft spot for bands whose seemingly sole intent is to use velocity and brutality to grind the listener to dust, and the unrelenting nature of this band most definitely fits that particular bill. Love the soloing, the ending of 'Rebellious Vengeance' rules, and the drumming is excellent throughout.
The nice thing is that they do have the hooks and creative riffing. I can deal with relentless blasting if there is something inspiring about the riffing. This works for me, unlike more recent Hate Eternal, which leaves me wanting to sleep.