Recommendation: Sarcasm - A Touch of the Burning Red Sunset

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
I inadvertently stumbled upon this gem, and I do mean GEM, the other day while I was checking out Climb Thar's Slovenian speed metal band of the same name. I was blown away harder than Scorpio at the end of Dirty Harry. This is tasteful melodic death metal to rival Eucharist's Velvet Creation and Dark Tranquillity's Skydancer, At the Gates' The Red in the Sky is Ours, what have you. The compilation in question was released in 98 and features material from their first 3 demos from 92-94. These Swedes were blazing trails and clearing brush before the pretenders followed suit and derivatively made the genre a joke. Riffs to rape the heavens, female sung interludes to exalt the rapees, acoustic interludes to spoon them back in to tranquil comfort. This is Boss, Kelsey Grammar eat your fucking heart out, this would have your ex-wife shitting on herself.

Available for Purchase: OOP
Download Here


1 Dark
2 Upon The Mountains Of Glory
3 Though Tears Of Gold
4 Never After
5 You Bleed (I Enjoy)
6 Nail Her Up
7 Pile Of Bodies
8 In Hate...
9 A Touch Of The Burning Red Sunset

Recommended For: Fans of Early Melodic Death Metal before the genre became a mummer's farce
Not Recommended For: The 40 guests who are here for HDPorn

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