RECOMMENDATION: Secret Chiefs 3 - Book of Horizons


wizard in black
Dec 17, 2001
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i was gone this weekend so im 2 days late...

Secret Chiefs 3 - Book of Horizons
Web of Mimicry - WOM-014 - 2004


1. The End Times
2. The 4 ( Great Ishraqi Sun )
3. The Indestructible Drop
4. Exterminating Angel
5. The Owl In Daylight
6. The Exile
7. On The Wings Of The Haoma
8. Book T: Exodus
9. Hypostasis Of The Archons
10. The Electrotheonic Grail Dove
11. The 3 ( Afghan Song )
12. DJ Revisionist
13. Anthropomorphosis: Boxleitner
14. Welcome To The Theatron Animatronique

you can find 3 more samples here by scrolling down a bit (samples from other albums too) as well as this description:

"What does this all end up sounding like? You will hear a kick-ass surf band playing in Arabic/Persian tunings, and then switch over to a wall of Penderecki-style orchestral chord clusters accompanied by AC/DC. Then, perhaps the traditional sounding, pseudo-folk Turk/Central Asian imaginal band will hit center stage with Dhol, Saz, Rabab, Esraj and rock drums and start whacking out to the original, catchy songs that no one knows or cares are in 19/16 time. This might be followed by a totally pummeling, nightmarish, not-kidding one bit blast-beat Death Metal band that employs Boulez-ish atonal serialism, played in dastgah tunings, which of course will naturally segue into a band that specializes in Hindi Film Music from the second Golden Era... you get the picture. We're scratching the surface here, not exaggerating. And again, it’s no joke."

Secret Chiefs 3 is pretty much Mr Bungle without Mike Patton, with Trey Spruance as the main songwriter/visionary/whatever and this time around they're joined by like 17 other musicians. its some sort of concept with 6 different 'bands' doing a few tracks each, and these separate bands draw from this pool of 20 or so people. i cant really describe it any better than they did above, its all insturmental except the metal songs. go to that site and listen to all the samples, jewsendit is being a fucking cunt right now, but ill get some more full songs up asap. all of their albums are excellent, and if you want some sick arabic techno go with the album right before this one: Book M!

>>>EDIT: samples uploaded! i did 2 eastern and 1 kinda surf/soundscape. i'll do more if people want more, or if you want one of the metal tracks...
so, most of the posts were people who already have it reinfocing how much it fuckin rules. there are 139 views, are you peeps just not commenting becuase you dont like it? (i am also guilty of this on the reco threads)
I never heard it before, I've only checked out one of the samples, but it was a lot better than I expected. To be honest, I expected a weird-for-the-sake-of-weird mishmash of different styles, but that one track "The 3" was pretty damn good! I'll check out the others, I promise :loco:
Demilich said:
I never heard it before, I've only checked out one of the samples, but it was a lot better than I expected. To be honest, I expected a weird-for-the-sake-of-weird mishmash of different styles, but that one track "The 3" was pretty damn good! I'll check out the others, I promise :loco:
you won't regret it, this album has a lot of weirdness but it rocks;)