1. Slave
2. Bastard Angel
3. I Walk The (Dead)line
4. The Shining Circle
5. My Kingdom For A Horse
6. Jesus Died In Las Vegas
7. Crusin'
8. Love Through Vaseline
9. Ragged Bed
10. No Kisses On The Mouth
11. Redemption Of Myself
While I personally prefer Spiritual Front's earlier, more depressive material, their new album "Armageddon Gigolo" is nonetheless a strong release with a more complete and accessible easy-rock sound, which has garnered them comparisons to the likes of Nick Cave by some critics. It's quite upbeat and energetic and just plain fun, with an almost "cabaret band" setup: acoustic guitars, clean electric guitars, strings, pianos, drumkit... even accordians sometimes.
Anyway, the stuff rocks. Proceed to disregard and continue with your regularly scheduled internets.