Recommentation - Morte Macabre: Symphonic Holocaust


Jun 25, 2002


Maybe some of you were expecting black metal or something similar when it’s my turn, but this is not metal at all.

Morte Macabre is or was a group by Anekdoten and Landberk-members, that re-recorded some horror-movie themes and also few tracks they composed by themselves. I personally see this album as a great music to listen to as a whole album and not just single songs, but picked few anyway. The title track was composed by Morte Macabre and is actually about 18 minutes long, otherwise I might have put that one online.

If someone of you likes this, notice that the (great looking) vinyl-version contains one song more, than the cd-version.

Morte Macabre – Symphonic Holocaust

1. Apoteosi Del Mistero "City Of The Living Dead"
2. Threats Of Stark Reality
3. Sequenza Ritmica E Tema
"The Beyond"

4. Lullaby
"Rosemary's Baby"
5. Quiet Drops
"Beyond The Darkness"
6. Opening Theme
"Cannibal Holocaust"
7. The Photosession
"Golden Girls"
8. Symphonic Holocaust

Btw - Was I early, it's 4th of March here already...At least I fucked the title LOL
Demonspell said:
Been meaning to hear this album for a long time (and not just because Akerfledt has namedropped it, haha)...Lullaby sounds perfect for late night listening, and has mellotron all over the place...kick ass.

Yeah, damn Å. I was interested this because I really enjoyed Anekdoten.
M.Lehto said:
1. Apoteosi Del Mistero "City Of The Living Dead"
2. Threats Of Stark Reality
3. Sequenza Ritmica E Tema
"The Beyond"

4. Lullaby
"Rosemary's Baby"
5. Quiet Drops
"Beyond The Darkness"
6. Opening Theme
"Cannibal Holocaust"
7. The Photosession
"Golden Girls"
8. Symphonic Holocaust

OH YES! Listening to track #1 right now....Mikko, you do realize that these are some of my favoUrite horror movies of all time right?

I have to say, I enjoy this a lot more simply because I already know the movie soundtracks so well. Not sure if anyone else would appreciate it as much? Still, this is great stuff man.

I guess this is similar to what FANTOMAS did with "The Directors Cut".

I heard Morte Macabre's last release but it was all their own material, so it didn't stand out as much. Maybe I'll give it another try now.

Let me be the first to say: SOLD!