Record midi from acoustic drums with drumagog question.


Mar 25, 2011
Me again. A non guitar question this time for a friend of mine. I told him this forum was great for these kind of questions.

He wants to know if you can rig a drumkit up with ddrum triggers on toms kick and snare and record the hits in real time as midi information using drumagog 4?

I thought you would need a d4 or something but he was told that you can just run the triggers to the inputs on an interface then insert drumagog into the drum tracks and it has a setting that will record the hits as midi on midi tracks.

Is this true? And if so how do you do it, it sounds interesting and very handy!
Thanks for your interest in Drumagog. Drumagog 4's (and the recently-released Drumagog 5) Pro and Platinum versions include MIDI In that allows it to be used as a sample source for MIDI instruments.

In the Advanced/Settings section, enable the MIDI Input. Select the MIDI Note and Channel. Then create a new MIDI track in your session, and choose Drumagog as the MIDI Output and select your ddrum trigger as the MIDI Input.