record naked? really?


when september comes
Aug 5, 2009
Hello, wassalamulaikum,
was reading through some article for recording tips.. i found these to be quite useful but im sure most of you guys would have known about these already. Just thought ill share but.. Im just wondering if this guy is serious about recording naked.
1. Sometimes when using the "tried and true" pop screen made of a nylon over a embroidery hoop, the resulting sound can be slightly "wooly" . An even better (and cheaper) way that I've found is to tape a pencil to your mic, across the face of the diaphragm. This can be a little tricky with the venerable sm57, but possible. When the plosives( P's) hit the pencil, the pencil splits the gust of air and voila, no pop.On the downside, your recording process no longer includes ladies undergarments.(there's the dirty part) But, if you find you need that, I'm sure you can figure out some way to incorporate it.

2. Another way to get around pops (literally) , is to place the mike 2-3 inches above the mouth,and angle the mic down at the singers mouth. Have the singer sing straight ahead. The force of the pops goes straight ahead. This will also give you a slightly different tone from straight on, as well as de-emphasizing any nasal qualities that the singer may have. Experiment with any combination of recording techniques on vocals. Most folks listen to the vocal much closer than to any other part of the song.

3. One of my favorite tricks is for recording bass.In addition to the direct in, (and/or the cabinet mike), I like to put a mike on the bass, just like miking an acoustic guitar. This works best with a large diaphragm condenser. Put it about 6-8 inches from the bass, right where the neck meets the body. No compression on this signal. Mix a little of this track with the other(s), and it really adds the sound of the bass player being in the room.

4. Gaffers tape. You've seen it. looks just like duct tape, except it comes in more colors, and is more expensive. Well the big difference is, duct tape is meant to be permanent, and gaffers tape is only temporary. It sticks just as good, the only difference is when you peel it off, no more gooey, gummy residue on your mics, cords, floor, etc.

5. Quad cables. Again, looks just like a mike cable, except more expensive. These have two wires twisted together for each signal, instead of one. The benefit is much lower noise, greater rf rejection, (you don't record any where near a computer, dimmer light switches, or florescent lights do you ?), and much more highs in your signal. I found the difference shocking. Right now the best deal going is a kiwi cable from blue, for about 40 bucks (That's US Dollars). (20')

6. Huge lead guitar. To do this you need two identical mics. Take the first mic, and place it in front of the speaker. For our example, we'll say a sm57, 2" from the dust cap, at 2:00, right up against the grill, no angle. Take your second sm57, and place it "mirror imaged" from the first mic. This would also be 2" from the dust cap, right up against the grill, no angle, but at 8:00. Place one mic out of phase with the other, and record on two separate tracks. Pan them far apart, and you will have a giant sound. What you have actually done is to set up a comb filter, and between the two signals, you are pretty much covering every available frequency.

7. Record naked. Really.
Why did you change your account? Got banned or something?

Interesting stuff that you got there. The quad cable appeals to me the most.
Hey mate, nah i didnt get ban. I initially pm'd brett kalisa to change my nick as there is a band called arcana already but was told that its impossible.
If recording naked is trully beneficial. I would make it mandatory for singers to strip down. ( only applies to females tho ) oh imagine the possibilities..
Wait, define "fling" - I thought you were talking about the move where you sort of squat with your legs apart and furiously pelvic thrust forward and back so your junk alternately"fwap fwaps" against your stomach and crack (which is a thoroughly hilarious looking thing to do in the mirror I would add :lol::lol::lol: )
Take a shower. Fling your leg hard so your balls clap against your theigh. Record samples. Put it in a chorus in 1/4 notes.

¯\(°_o)/¯ How do record ball claps?

I can't decide if I would use a small cap to get the percussive attack of my balls, or a LDC to get that deep thwack of sack-on-thigh.
Im pretty sure slate has some ball clap samples, I'm really digging the ones where you can feel the wood cracks... Also don't forget to hp/lp to reduce unwanted pubic noise!
clap your balls up in the air. clap your balls up.. in the air
ah.. nz is a dead place.