Recorded a Death Medley today... check it out


Oct 4, 2003
Plano, TX
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buddy of mine on guitarwar challenged me to a death medley, so this is what i recorded today... took parts from Pull the Plug, Symbolic, The Philosopher, Crystal Mountain, and Zombie Ritual, going back to the Philosopher in the end, and slapped em all together in a way i thought they fit... i think it sounds pretty cool, and the ending is just awesome imo... the philosopher is a great riff to end on... so yeah heres the link, lemme know what u think... drums and bass are all programmed, and i use a soundfont made by my friend Danny Danzi for the drums, and Edirol SuperQuintet for the bass. all guitars done by me, i double tracked all leads, and all rhythms too, lots of panning...
Yo man that was pretty bad ass. Good sounding shit right there. Good leads. The drums and shit sounded good too, kick ass program. I enjoyed listening to it, you put it together nicely.
It was awsome. I'm a really big Death fan, and I'm putting a band together with a drummer who took private lessons from Richard Christy.

I used to be a memeber of Guitarwar, but I quit because I didnt have any good sound fonts :(. Can you send me thouse soundfonts? They sounded really nice.
AIM: RequiemForApollo
Email: :p
Woa...I'm very impressed! The song choice was supreme :worship: The leads were great and so was the drumming as others had said. You're pretty damn talented to be able to pull that off!