Recorded a tech death metal band, thoughts?

The guitars are hard to hear. The kick seems extremely loud on my speakers. and there is no low end from the bass guitar.

Has it really gotten to the point where death metal bands are just combining two other bands' names because all the good ones are taken?...:ill:

This one certainly needs some work. The kick lacks definition. There's almost no click, making it hard to hear. That & the drums are just waaaayyy too mono. Did you do this with a single mic on the drums?
Vocals are too loud & guitars are way too buried. They sound like they can play, so let's hear them!

Drummer has some talent, though. I'd like to hear him with a better recording.
Dude, you should try throwing in some reference material and comparing your relative levels to that. The balance of everything is kinda wacky right now. The vocals are crazy loud at times, as is the kick drum - but most of the time it's too dull to make it out. The snare sounds pretty cool. The guitars are pretty much consistently buried and have a strange room sound to them that doesn't really fit the music...can you get them alot dryer and brighter? The ambience of the guitars makes the snare sound funny to me, really seperated. The bass could use more beef I think.

Also there are some sort of harsh tones to the cymbals at times. Do you have mics on the toms? I don't hear much from them and I can't tell, but it almost sounds like bleed that hasn't been trimmed from tom mics sometimes. If that has nothing to do with it, I think some different EQ could help out.
It sounds like there is a lot of masking going on here between the insturments. Try to give everything it's own place w/ panning and start adjusing the volume of the drums first. Get everything even with a little emphasis on the snare/kick. Add 1 mic at a time and you'll hear which insturments are masking the others. Then correct this with EQ. The volume levels are way off...a good mix has everything almost even with a little emphasis on kick/snare/vocals usually.

What are you working with here track wise? How many drums tracks, guitar, bass ect...