Recorded one of THOSE clients yesterday lol


May 9, 2006
I was recording this band and just had one of the most funny recordings ever. Besides the fact the the band members were randomly singing the "Get along gang" theme acapella, the guitarist was..hum...curious. We were starting to track the guitars with his el-cheapo Floyd Rose equipped guitar (so good that it couldnt handle any tuning with strings thicker than 09s) and since i recorded ´em live on a bands competition a while ago, i knew he used a Zoom 505 for distortion (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). After we recorded the rythmn guitars he said "Shouldnt we use my multifx ?". I was like :rolleyes: and said:

- It is a zoom, aint it ?
- Yeah, and I can get a tone similar to a Boss pedal (!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I laughed a little bit
- It´s a 505 man. There´s no way that can sound good to record
- But man!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its on the fingers...
- We´ll use the amp distortion.

After we tracked, and he achieved one of the crappiest guitar lead tones i ever listened, he started...

- Man, at home I achieve some recordings that sound quite like comercial CDs..I use my computer´s microphone some inches away from the amp, avoid it to clip, and it sounds great!
- :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
- Dont you believe? I can make it sound like a Boss...
- I believe you dude
- But you should...( at this time i switched off my amp and unplugged the guitar cable from his guitar )
- I believe you man
- Do you have msn?
- Yeah, but I never use it
- Oh shit, i wanted to send you my guitar tones. You´ll listen how it is great!
- Ok, send it to my gmail (and handed him a piece of paper with my email addy. Of course ill delete the email once it arrives)
- Can it receive attachments?
- :guh:Of course!
He made a ´Wow´ face and replied : - I tought only hotmail could receive attachments!!!!

ATM the tracking already had ended, i turned my things off and truth be told, i still dont believe this dialogue. This reminded me SO much of Harmony Central forum users hehehe
lol, good one

one of my former players had one of these shits and you gotta see my face when he plugs it in a h&K amp. the worst was that the cab sim switched on on that little focker. After I explain what's the cab sim (he didn't realize cab=cabinet=cabina in spanish), he says: but it sounds better with that on! Me: ok, gain at 11 and cab on, you're a noob haha. the fizzier, the better?¿
my old bands bassist used to come in, throw down some mega sloppy basslines and be like "thats cool, i trust you to fix it all in the mix."
jesus wept.

of course, i low-passed him as low as possible and mixed in nothing but rumble.
I did FOH at a small Red Cross charity event a couple of years back, and one of the bands consisted of ~10-year-old metalheads. We took a friend's 5150 half stack there just in case and offered the guitarist kid to use it. Here's the dialogue that ensued:

"Here, you can use this amp if you want, I think you'll like it."
"Oh, I got my own stuff, I can get pretty sweet tones out of these!" *points to a MetalZone and a Roland Cube15*
"You sure? Most of your favorite bands use this head, you might wanna try it out."
"Yeah, thanks, but I know how to use my own equipment better."

Fair enough, so we put the Cube15 on top the 5150 and threw a 57 on it, the combination looked kinda cute! :lol: The band itself wasn't nearly as bad as you might imagine. I couldn't help smiling when they played the whole set again after the audience yelled for encore.
I got a Cube 15x at home for practising too, which is very nice (hell, even with a HM-2 and B-Standard tuning that little fucker sounds tight), but if someone would offer me a 5150 stack I'd throw the Cube away any second. :loco:
I like those:
I have a Zoom G2 and that's not much better.

The only thing useful on it is the tuner.