Recording amp-modeller connected to real amp?


Feb 9, 2006
I record the most of my stuff with an amp-modeller directly to PC. Andy somewhere said something like "you need some speaker movement". So I wondered if it helps to run the modeller(speaker simulation "off" of course) with a tube power amp and take the miced signal(MD421 or SM57) from the box(4x12). Can't imagine it helps, but...

Has anyone tried this?

Well it might help a litte but in the end it still is going to be crap in crap out......Any experince I hear of micing up a LINE 6 amp has been bad......My fathers band is actually in a studio this weekend and there guitar player is going to be recording via a LINE 6.....I will tell you my impression after I hear the way if you did not know a LINE 6 is doing the same thing your thinking of doing.....
nwright said:
Of course you could do it. But, then, you could be using a regular amp to do that. But, if you like the tone, go for it.

Ditto....just try it can't hurt anything....
Hey Kev!

Thanks for the Clip!:wave:

Sounds good to me, but i'm not sure if this really is better than using the direct out. I think Ihave to try it myself...


P.S.: I think you have already some really good skills - saw a video of you playing Steve Vai! Nice!:worship: