Recording first deathcore band(need tips)


New Metal Member
May 23, 2010
I am a noobie to recording and I don't have fancy drum replacement programs or samples, so i was wondering if you had any eq tips on how to record some drums for this genre or any tips in general for the mix before I start?
I recommend looking through the main thread section, there are a whole heap of decent samples in there to try out

as for no drum replacement software... manual replacement (you're gonna hate deathcore for this one)

Gates, Compression, EQ... these to add later after you've sorted the samples out you're wanting to use...

nip into Glenn's Acoustic Drums for Metal for anything and everything up until sampling, because you're gonna do better having an awesome sounding set of raw drum tracks in the first place...
And since you'll most likely have alot more questions following your op, use this link and browse around the forum with them before posting, alot of what you will ask has most likely been answered a shit ton of times already - Sneap Search