Red Circuit wants to know which 8 songs MUST be on PPUSA setlist


Mrs. Harvester
Staff member
Feb 17, 2009
From their facebook page:

To our fans in the USA: Take your chance to vote for your favorite RC-Songs to be played at PROG-POWER-Festival in Atlanta, Septemer 2011!!! Just add a comment to this posting and tell us which 8 songs we MUST put on our setlist!!!

Let's show them our support!

The same day they asked, they also posted:

Dear RC-Fans: We started the songwriting for the upcoming third Studio-Album! If everything runs well, we will be able to perform at least 2 new songs exclusively at the PROG-POWER-Festival in Atlanta, Septemer 2011.

From their facebook page:

To our fans in the USA: Take your chance to vote for your favorite RC-Songs to be played at PROG-POWER-Festival in Atlanta, Septemer 2011!!! Just add a comment to this posting and tell us which 8 songs we MUST put on our setlist!!!


Eye Of The Tiger
Angel Of Death
My Heart Will Go On

Other than that, Chity and ze boyz can play whatever they want ;))))

I'll get back to them after I've had a good listen on youtube. Doesn't help that they aren't on rhapsody and pandora only plays a song after 4 other songs or so lol. I've heard Trance State in its entirety but its been ages since I've listened to it since I've gone legit.


Under The Sun
The Veil

Hell.. I'll take any 8 songs lmao.
Under the Sun and Trance State for sure. Both of those are some kickin' tunes. Excellent grooves and dreamy keyboard parts.
You know I was hoping for a thread like this but never thought there would actually be an OFFICIAL one :hotjump:

Number one without a &*#^@&# doubt

Trance State (title track) :worship:

everything else is gravy after that

rest of my picks:

Under the Sun
The Veil
Where You Are
You Might have Been Queen
See the Light
Fall in The Skies

Heading to FB now..........

Regardless of final setlist, really looking forward to seeing RC live
This is a tough band to pick hits from ... they are very consistent from song to song.

I guess the standouts for me are as follows:

Under The Sun
Reach Out (Sun Of Utopia)
Common Man In Disgrace
Go Straight
Trance State
Search For Your Soul
You Might Have Been Queen

I posted this already on facebook, but I'll post here as well.

Under The Sun
The Veil (with Stephan Lill since he will be there with Vanden Plas)
The Screen
Trance State
The World Forgotten Suns
Canonize Your Sins
I'm disappointed in you guys.... No votes for either Is it Gold!? or So Hard to be Like God. Those two are mandatory in my opinion. Other than that, Homeland, Canonize Your Sins, Under the Sun, Go Straight, Fall in the Skies, Healing Waters.
I'm disappointed in you guys.... No votes for either Is it Gold!? or So Hard to be Like God. Those two are mandatory in my opinion. Other than that, Homeland, Canonize Your Sins, Under the Sun, Go Straight, Fall in the Skies, Healing Waters.

Those two are good, all their stuff is excellent actually, but the songs on my list are better. :D
Wow, interesting choices so far :yow:

I am afraid that we have to rehearse a lot of songs, that we haven't played for a looooong time ....:D:D:D

@ Claus/Intromental: Anything more from Celine? Chity is also great in Mariah Carey ... :devil:

Greets from Germany,
Tommy - Red Circuit
my choices are, homeland, world of forgotten sons, sun of utopia, fall in the skies, canonize your sins, you can sleep when your dead, the veil, and so hard to be like god.