Red Descending - Where Dreams Come to Die

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Red Descending - Where Dreams Come to Die
Independent - 2008
By Adam McAuley


Red Descending is interesting in that they combine approaches from genres like symphonic black metal and melodic death metal in a successful manner. The outfit adds elements like keyboards and female vocals to the mix for a more harmonious sound. The keyboards are evident from the first song, but the female vocals aren’t introduced until the third track, “A Grand Memory”.

A rich atmosphere is created that is reminiscent of the creative one that the band Arcturus creates. Red Descending is compelling in a similar manner to that band, but manage to create a different unique mood. It an aura that is overly harsh or subtle, but rather very balanced overall. Though the band is enticing, they never quite reach the level of grandeur that Arcturus or even a band such as Hollenthon does. The songs are well constructed, but don’t have as much theatrical over the top elements as those bands do. However, when compared more favorably to a lot of melodic death metal, there is a greater amount of dynamics and inventive ideas incorporated than what many In Flames hybrids have shown over the years. The album cruises along with several solid, though unspectacular moments throughout. However, I found the middle to later portions of “Fragile Nation”, for example, to be quite stunning and be distinguishable from the pack.

One final band that Red Descending invokes comparisons to is the oddball act The Meads of Asphodel. When all of the different styles are taken into play, Red Descending crafts an invigorating atmosphere that is tasteful and doesn’t go overboard. Perhaps one would like to the band to try something more left field, but there’s no denying the quality of Where Dreams Come to Die. If any of the names I’ve drawn similarities to catches your interest, don’t hesitate to check out Red Descending.

Official Red Descending Band Website
Official Red Descending My Space