Red Dwarf

Originally posted by dreamwatch
Any other fans? :)

Partial ones :D

The series was okay from time to time, but a lot of the time the jokes were on the verge of imbecility
im a fanatical fanatic fan. ive seen all the episodes too many times, the last one or two serieses are dodgey but the others are fucking hilarious. rimmer world, the cowboy virtual virus thingy, rimmer goes mad and dresses up and luck and sexual magnatism, rimmer fights his own memory, all of them are great. :hotjump:
Red Dwarf rules!

"You can always tell when he's tense, the way he scrunches up cups and throws them in the bin. And I ain't talkin' styrephone, here...I'm talking enamal!"

It's soooooooooooo good!!!! I have seen every episode several times and have all of them on tape, with the exception of two halves in series 7, when someone didn't check the tape before recording something so we lost the end 15 minutes of one and the beginning 15 minutes of Duct Soup. :(

Still! it's great in general! can't wait for the film. :)
Re: 7 and 8 - I was a die hard fan who ended up very disapointed at those. However after a more recent viewing my opinion has softened; 7 is still the low point of all things Dwarf for me, but 8 is a lot better than I originally gave it credit for. Losing Chris Barrie in 7 was a tragedy (although it did give us the Rimmer Experince and the fantastic Rimmer Song!) so getting him back is the bomb! :D I would prefer it if it was the 'original' Rimmer, so that he would be able to share all the old experiences with Listie, but perhaps thats something they will address in the movie or series 9 (if they bother with it). Anyway . . . Stoke me a clipper, I'll be back for Christmas! :err: