Red Light In My Eyes Part 1 (Vocal Cover)


May 8, 2012
Ukraine, L'viv
Hi, made a cover of this AWESOME song, please rate, give some tips etc. Sorry for music quality, I tuned out Alexi's vocals, so music was tuned (a little) too.
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To be honest, its a hard Cover, cause alexi sings different as on new Songs.
You should try to singer a lil bit higher. But in some Parts you sound a lil bit like Alexi ;)
Thanks for comment! I can't take higher note without going in sound like cat screech. But I tried more like making good cover not copying Alexi (at least all the time =) )
+ Good choice for a song
+ You didn't try to sound like Alexi

- Timing was bad
- Your voice sounds hilarious and awful
- Technique could be better
- Recording quality is quite bad

Practice makes perfect.
I practice...) I have more covers (not on Children of Bodom) on my youtube channel and here on ultimate metal too. So please check them too!
Practice makes perfect.

Perfect practise makes perfect. You can also practise wrong and it's worth nothing.

As for the vocal cover, I keep hearing people diss Alexi's old vocals, yet I've never seen any fan make it better or equal it anywhere near. This is the way most C-class metalcore band vocals sound like. I can't sing, so I'm no-one to judge, and this is just constructive criticism. You sing like Angela Gossow, not like Laiho.
I don't agree, Alexi's old vocals I like more (first album is the best IMO). And Angela isn't from C-class metalcore band...=) But I get you're message. And in my protection I don't use vocals like these very often, just think my more common scream isn't suitable for this song. Though I try to make it better.
Well that's what I meant. Alexi's old vocals are equalled only by Chuck Schuldiner and Dani Filth and some others I just can't think of right now. They were great. All are different of course and everyone has their personal accent, I also like Peter Tägtgren in this style of vocals. The new Bodom vocals are (mostly) a pain in the head.

The vocals in the golden days were epic:

Compare them to 7 years later:

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