Red Light In My Eyes (Pt. 2)

Man Made Mike

man made, not god.
Jan 27, 2002
New York
im sorry, but i couldnt keep it to myself.....the intro thing to this song is the greatest sounding thing ever, its so ....mmmmmmm ::eek:rgasm:: ohhhh yea :eek: made me pop it in, but no the best part of the song is torwards the end, it might be the harpsi part......dunno im listening right its at 1:55 where he sais "and the everlasting flame" :headbang:
Yeah I agree with Hatebreeder86..
it's fucking awesome... especially when alexi says " walking struggeling down down down down.........."

:headbang: :hotjump:
well... I'm sorry if I have been too particulary... by the way...
I have all Bodom lyrix in my computer...

And concerned part goes like that:

"Of the everlasting flame, did burn me; the one we are all off often struggling down, down, down, down"
well damnit I dont care if it actually sais "im alexi and this part is the best part in the song" IT IS THE BEST PART OF THE SONG :headbang:

Yes, I assumed your lyrics would say that... because I previously transcribed them! :lol:

Did you even realize they were my doing? I think I was correct except for 'of the everlasting...' should be 'oh, the everlasting...' because it makes more sense and I can't hear any 'f' sound.

Yeah, it doesn't really matter; it is a great song...