Refugee from the Metal Maniacs Message Board...


New Metal Member
Nov 24, 2005
Deep space
Actually, I still post there, but it sucks ass 99.999999999999% of the time.
If you like being called a poser for listening to TRUE metal bands like Maiden, Slayer, and Pantera (WTF?), and enjoy seeing the word "gay" used to describe EVERYTHING, I suggest checking that board out:

Now don't everyone hurry over that at once!

Anyway, I hope the people on this board aren't retarded Dragonforce geeks (if you like Dragonforce, you are forgiven, but if wanna call me a fag cause I think they are utter cheese, then get fucked), and lets talk metal!

May fav bands are:
Pantera, Slayer, Iron Maiden, Cannibal Corpse, Black Sabbath, Morbid Angel, Nevermore, Dimmu Borgir, Strapping Young Lad, Motorhead.:headbang:
Hey dude welcome to the forums! Who gives a fuck if people call you stuff just because you listen to certain bands! It’s those people that will never/don’t yet understand the purpose of listening to music. :wave:
Welcome Ganymede...

Maiden, Slayer, Pantera, Nevermore, Motorhead etc. are all time favourites for me... If I'll be called a poser as I am listening to "True metal" as you said, then I am a poser too.. I don't care what they say and how they call me as.. I listen to the best stuff, because they seem to be so....