Regarding the song survivors


man, to me Ricardo is just a 2nd league Goalkeeper, and Scolari a fucking retard :/ why Ricardo (who fucked up twice against Germany now, and countless times before including fucking up Sporting's championship against Benfica the exact same way as he did at the 3rd german goal.. he's a pussy)

Russia won 3-1 to Holland, what the fuck is up with that, maybe because their coach is dutch hah
I'm probably going to attempt to take over the poll so if you have a problem with it you might want to beat me. I'LL DO IT
So how was it dude? Is it good there as I've been hearing? You should try Greece for next summer, that I know from personal experience how awesome it is, my parents lived there for a year last year

and welcome back Stefan zee man
Yeah man, Greece is expensive too, I saw a cheese and ham sandwich for 4 euros at the beach, going to the movies was 7,5 euros, there was a beach that costs 20 euros a day, and my friend had to pay 27 euros for a haircut hahaha

But if you know the right places it's not, I ate those juicy Pitas for 1,90 euros, and for a big guy like me I was very satisfied with one of those, a Tsatsiki souse plate and some homemade fries

My parents are thinking about buying a property there, from all the countries they lived Greece is their favorite, I can say mine too, there's just this positive energy flowing around the air and you feel it the instant you get out of the plane :)