Regretfully, I signed the Ozzfest petition........


Mar 13, 2002
Your FKN' face!
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I signed the petition to help in what small way I could, but I don't want to see them with ll those gay assed bands.....
oh well, there's my 2 cents.

My posts are few and far between nowadays, so everybody have a good 'un!

I'm out like Bee Gees on 8 trax
I signed it, too, and if it happened, I would go to see Anthrax, but:

-I hate the thought of supporting Ozzy "No More Tours, I've become a joke of my former self" and Sharon "I'm a classless bitch" Osborne.

-Although it might give the boys exposure to a newer generation of metal fans, they'd be associating with a bunch of shit.

-I want to see them headline for two hours, not play on a second stage for 30 minutes.
Originally posted by nafnikufesin
I signed it, too, and if it happened, I would go to see Anthrax, but:

-I hate the thought of supporting Ozzy "No More Tours, I've become a joke of my former self" and Sharon "I'm a classless bitch" Osborne.

-Although it might give the boys exposure to a newer generation of metal fans, they'd be associating with a bunch of shit.

-I want to see them headline for two hours, not play on a second stage for 30 minutes.

If the band wants to play Ozzfest though, I think that should weigh pretty heavily. They know what's in their long-term best interests. Nothing says if they do Ozzfest they can't come around again on their own. Hell, they might even play smaller cities on their days off. (like they did on Maximum Flop and towards the end of Pantera98)
But Sharon is a stubborn bitch. She's the kind of person that if we tell her what to do (ie. like with a petition), she'll do the opposite just to show that she's the "boss". The only way Anthrax would get on the tour is if we let Sharon think it was her idea.

@jdelpi: Hey, if Anthrax wants it, all the power to them. It would give them exposure. I'd just hate to think that Ozzy's getting my dollars when it should be Anthrax.
Originally posted by Jono
well if sharon would listen to thier new album she would have them on stage. And maybe they would get a slot on the ozzfest album thus reaching even more of an audiance.

No, there's no whiney vocals or JUMPDAFUKUPs on the new album, and Jack probably doesn't like them, so they have those working against them. Plus that whole Ozzy tour fiasco. :(
I signed it too. I would love to see Anthrax on Ozzfest or The Simpsons. If they're on Ozzfest, they better get at least 90 minutes for their set. I'm going to Ozzfest this summer anyway.
