Religious question


New Metal Member
Jun 7, 2006
What is your belief?
I'm Christian and I'm proud of it although in context like this it's not so fashionable to say! but I'm very curious to know your opinions:)
Alteredmindeath said:
Metal is my religion.


I'm completely atheist.

Firstly, I do believe in Jesus as a man that really existed and I believe his simple message to be universally true. Basically : love each another.

But I deny the corrupted version of his message we got form the christian church. The church as we see it is a direct contradiction to the first commandment about not craften idols. What are the crucifix, and the statues of Mary, and other stuff if not crafted idols I wonder...

Plus it's also in direct contradiction with what Jesus himself is widely believe to have said. Something in the likeness of "the house of God will be built in your heart, not from wood and stone."

And quite frankly, to me Christianity is just a big powerhouse of religious and conservative propaganda. They claim to be altruistic yet I rarely saw the great cardinals at rome give themselves to the poor. Sure there has been many, in the past ages. But it's mostly a game of power, political, economical and ethical.

Secondly, I don,t like the backwards mentality of pure judaism. I won't get myself going here...

Thirdly, I don't like the backwards and often very violent interpretations of Islam. And no, to me muslim does NOT equal terrorist. I simply don't like the religion. Period.

Fourthly, Hinduism is too far appart from my own culture and my own value for me to pay any attention to it.

Fifthly, Buddhism, even though it is the religion for which I have the most respect, is also too far from my own set of values for me to honnestly consider it.

The same thing also apply to taoism and other smaller religions.

All in all, I'm pagan hearted philosopher, hence the signature : Hedniskhjärtad.

I very much like Nietzsche (anyone bold enough to claim he was a nazi can come talk to me personaly :Smug:

I can pretty much say that through Nietzsche's work, I have my own master morality. I might even be bold enough to claim being on the to being something close to an Übermensch.

Call this presumptuous, I don't care, cause for all I know it might not even be true. All I know is I work according to my own rules.
I don't know about religion in the sense of believing in a greater power, but along the lines of what my beliefs are and such, I'd say I'm a pseudo-existentialist. Also I believe Jesus existed, and he may have thought he was dying for my sins. But therein is another aspect of what I believe, I guess it's still focusing a little on existentialist beliefs when saying there is no good or bad, thus there can't really be a "sin". This doesn't mean I'll go and murder randoms though heh :)

Since this is asking about what I believe, and not to judge what other people believe, I've tried to steer clear of my absolute hate for the Abrahamic religions. Also, Jesus may have died for my sins, perhaps according to his own disillusional thoughts of saving everyone, but Odin sacrificed himself for the greater good of community and family, and in doing so (sacrificing himself to himself*) ridded his legacy, and our inheritance of the completely egoistic form Christ gave himself, which now plagues our social, religious, and unfortunately "global" world.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]* "Nine nights I hung on that wind-swept tree,[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
A sacrifice to Odin, sacrificing myself to my self"
im catholic by birth and i share some of the thoughts but what ive found most important above all,, you have to believe in something, that you put above yourself, be it god,science,satan,whatever.
Alec, that quote from Jesus is only found in the gosple of Thomas which was left out of the Bible. And basically the Catholic church is to blame for that and all the idols and such. No offence rammpeth.

I appreciate the teachings of philosophers like Jesus, Thoreau, and Vintersorg :heh:
none taken. im not zealous or anything.but i live in a (i dont know if you call it the same in english) confessionary state/country, and while other religions are permited, the oficial one is catholicism and marriage and such things are really complicated if you arent
i'm trying to keep an open mind to all religions.
every religion has beautiful myths and legends, and i love to read and learn about them
I'll try and clear a little about this

@Alec: The crafted idols you're talking about are only a way that christian church tried to enter into European pagan redneck mind after the first conversion, it's clear that this hhas nothing to do with Christ and his message, the statues were built in first medieval times when Christianity had to stand ground against paganism had to give a strong imagine both of saints and infernal creature so this doesn't deal with a real Christian a.k.a one that follow gospel and Christ's word (for this called Christian and not Churchian)
About that quote, it's normal that if one wants to pray he can do it at home, alone etc not in a Church, but again, first Churches were built in medieval time when fake christianity conquered power, first real Christians (St. Paul, St. Bartolomew etc.) gathered in catacombs, concelaed without statues, draperies etc..
Again cardinals and State Church can be scornfully called Christians, for ex. I won't call Christian a Pope that had sons with women etc. so again the deal doesn't exist, just look Mother Theresa of Calcutta, St. Francis, St Rita etc. they didn't live in palaces, or wore purple robes and jewellries, they were with lepers, afflicted etc. these can be called Christian for they follow the Word, not all the share of pseudo-christian we had in history and to whom many wannabe anti-christian address when scorning Christianity.
@frostbitengrimness It's widely now that havamal was compiled and reviewed by a Christian monk around 1000 after Iceland conversion so it's clear that Odin's sacrifice is under some aspects a copy of Christ's sacrifice, but, nevermind, even if we don't want to believe this, Odin's sacrifice was the most egoist of all religous/mythology history, if you only read the passage with more detailed it is said that Odin sacrificed himself to conquer the runes (he cried fell down and gathered the runes) so it's something to win for himself an higher degree of knowledge, sacrifice and stuff are completely out of theme and don't know of you read this or you thought it of your own.
Christ didn't die for your sins this is a wrong interpretation of late Church, if you see, the real meaning of Christ's death (as told also by St. Thomas, St. Augustine and protochristians) is to WIN sin, meaning the unremedly of death, in fact in the official mass after Eucharist it is said "In the day that Christ won death" meaning before Christ in death you could not find resurrection of the flesh but you dwelt in other world forever without a goal (like in greek-roman mythos), now instead, you can hope an after life, a sort of, I wouldn't call a reward because it sound childish, but an aspiration to come and live a second "golden age" on earth after the end of it all, I don't want at all call Christianity an egoism-religion, before life was ruled by egotism and violence (see Roman empire and also the manner jews treated ill-people i.e. lepers so both pagan and monotheist religions) Christ taught that even the last one of earth can be helped and that our goal is to make this world a paradise i.e. a better place to live, so nothing most far-off than egoism
@ NattensThyr & Alteredmindeath sorry cannot comment too highly philosophical statements :zombie:

On a side note: The post is long, and maybe has some grammar errors, but I wanted to add more, so don't blame me if I explained easy things that needed more spaces and time :err:

I totally know that there has been many REAL Christians, Mother Theresa and Cardinal Léger being two of them.

What I'm saying is that to me, the whole "rich organized power hungry religion" side of Christianity looks like some kind of a sick joke.

Azzor1911 said:
i'm trying to keep an open mind to all religions.
every religion has beautiful myths and legends, and i love to read and learn about them

Indeed they do have many great myths and legends. Though I find that polytheistic religions tend to have grander stories than monotheistic. I guess you can put the fault for that on a limited cast :p
@Alec It's not only to you but to the whole "thinking-brain" Christianity that the organized church looks like a nonsense, it's normal the more cult is great the more you'll find people that go astray from it viceversa small groups or religious sects are well-organized and stick to the main road (just look at the Amish) but in my opinion, simply I do not even consider it a side of Christianity, one cannot claim to be Christian and then have a hierarchy of cardinals, bishops etc. we should not forget that Christ washed the feet (highly symbolical meaning) of his disciples, don't know if a cardinal would do the same with a countryside priest...that's the point.
@ frostbittengrimness Azzor1911 cannot meet God, it's known that only Saint Mary (apart Jesus obvliously) can look hardly at His face, if one soul should look at him, he/she would be blinded, ah and did you checked what I stated about Havamal?
Yes, but even then, this "legend" was known before the existence of Christ, so for his influence on it, it really doesn't have any place to do with it. And if you want to say that Odin truly was egoistic for the fact that he wanted to "win" the runes then so be it, but he did it for like I said, community and "family". Also, I find it funny that you called your ancestors rednecks.

I don't really think you have any place in this conversation until you come from a more "neutral" point of view, it's quite obvious all of your "opinions" are coming from a Pro-Christian PoV and it's just funny to see yet another follower scrambling to prove absolutely everyone wrong.

Before you continue to indirectly insult people, I'd just like to say one thing to you. Haha. That is all.

PS: Christians no longer believe in Proto-Christian belief, I'm not sure if you've realised this?
I believe in myself, that I exist and create my own purpose. I lightly take notes from various religions and pick out the things that make sense to me. I try to use what I have to make the world a better place. It's as simple as that.
I believe that my purpose was already created and that I am here to fuck it up. Also, I believe in the # 444.

I'm not sure why, yet.
I believe it's very easy to make yourself look righteous if you say that the parts of your religion that make you look bad aren't really a part of it.

To draw a comparison... nu-metal and metalcore are unmetal in spirit, but they are from metal lineage. NSBM, as with many other parts of metal, is (to me) a vile and unfortunate thing. It's still a part of metal though. I don't have to like it, I acknowledge them and claim allegiance to metal despite them.