Remaster of Fruit Psychobells.


Manically depressed robot
May 5, 2002
Wellington, NZ
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Could that ever be a possibility?

I think that its *almost* a masterpiece, the production holds is back from being one though. Do you think there could ever be a remaster of that album?

I courteously request that someone gives me a serious answer before the thread turns whacked.

Hey, I like the production on Fruit Psychobells. I have no idea why ;)

can't i just turn the thread whacked now and someone gives you a serious answer later on? i've got some work to do in the afternoon and i wouldn't want to miss such an opportunity for my debut on this board.

I would rather re-record the whole album than remaster it. Bath and LYBM just skimmed by getting the idea across the right way with no fewer than 40 tracks on each song. MFP is essentially an 8 tracks per song demo.
A re-recording would be AWESOME! You have to do it! NOW!

There's so much good stuff on MFP, like Ferocious Weights, A Conception Pathetic, The Ocean, The Kingdom, And The Temptation...and of course Catharsis of Sea Sleep...:headbang:

I just think it's criminal it doesn't have the sound quality it deserves. You must re-record! I'd buy it...:saint:
I'd much rather have new material at this point.

Every CD they've ever put out is a masterpeice. Why remake a classic when there are new classics in the works.

Just my opinion.
The solo at the end of the last track is one of the greatest guitar solos ever written. I love the production on My Fruit...More so than Bath/LYBM. The sound seems to surround you more, I dunno its hard to explain, its definately alot more organic and spacey.
FrostGiant said:
Don't rerecord stuff when there's new stuff to record. It just doesn't make sense.

Yes, that is why I think a remaster would be a much better idea, much less hassle and makes more sense. After MoTW has gained recognition and hopefully in a smug little place money wise, I think a remaster would be an excellent idea.

A re-recording would only be a good idea if all the MoTW guys really wanted to do it, and thats obviously not the case. :)
Blight of River Systems is an amazing song, but one day i made the mistake of playing around with the EQ and getting it to sound a lot fuller and more rounded, and not saving it. Now the original sounds so bare.