remebering riffs and rythms


Super Zombie
Dec 16, 2001
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I have a question:
What's the best way to write and remeber riffs and rythms on the guitar?
I have recording software on my comp, and sometimes I'll record myself just screwing around and when I go back to listen, I'll like a certain section of it. But I can't remeber how I played it and I haven't played long enough to be able to pick certain chords from just listening.
Any help would be appricated
The best way for me is to tape it with something.For me it's a shitty little tape deck with recording capabilities and to write it down in tab.If it's a killer riff,i'll usually remember the thing because i'd play it so many times until it's drumbed into my head.But taping it in some form or other is esential.If i just write something down i usually alway's forget the structure of the riff rythmicly.I usually get away with just taping now a day's and i'll instantly remeber what i was doing,but if your not confident write it down aswell.
Like anything else t do with music, it'll come in time. I did this when I was starting out (taping onto tape), but I always was able to figure out what I had done. Maybe repeat your riffs a lot, so you get used to them? Practice them every day?

If you are just jamming riffs out, you should eventually get a feel for your own style, and when you hear something you've played, you'll know just how you played it, or pretty close.

Or tab it out after you play it, but make sure you record it too, that may be the easiest way.

Or just learn to read tabs/music well, and get a sense for rhythm. Easier said than done, and again takes time. But once you can do it, you should have no problem writing out a quick tab that also shows the rhythm.

Finally, I suggest taping yourself on video camera. May not be the most economical solution, depending on whther or not you have access to one already. Either way, some of these ideas might give you some help, or at best, something to work towards. Good luck!