well... i see smash as the initial sellout album, and i actually prefer a lot of the light-hearted later stuff to all the pretentious *deep* teen shit on ixnay, and nauseating stuff like the line you just pasted
the only songs on smash that hold a candle to anything on ignition are come out and play and killboy powerhead (which was a cover anyway) for me, ignition's so much more subtle and mature in everything from mood to lyrics to general songwriting
edit: actually just to clarify, i HATE get a job, HATE want you bad (first time i heard that i felt betrayed 'cause it's a fucking blink 182 song, haha), HATE original prankster and dislike pretty fly. some of the other stuff on later albums is actually pretty decent though.
edit 2: oh yeah, hit that. that song doesn't exist.