remembering a song from

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
alrite lads - does anyone remember this website

the site is gone a good while now, i think maybe 2 or 3 years but there was a video on the site that im trying to remember. it was 1 guy doing a metal song (no screaming i think) it had a white background in most of the video and it was just him singing to the camera.

i just remembered it and i cant remember anything about him or the band name so i dont know what to search - i would just love to hear the song again - i know its a once off but does anyone remember the song?

if this works i'll have 1 more request like this to post up

cheers sneapians
nope :( thats not it - the one im talking about sounds a little more modern and the video production looked more modern too - around the year 2000 or something i think - i dont really remember but thats defo not it