Remix Track...Atempt to my "fake" pod tone better :P


^^ Why-Lee^^
Sep 19, 2007
Well ive been trying to overhaul my sound latly, I feel pretty confident with the results but then again ive not had many people hear the stuff lol

Bare in mind im trying to make the quality of my bands demo as good as i can without goin into a studio cuz we're poor!

its 2 clips actuly, There both on

the first is called "New riff/Mix test" the other "Untitled new song remix"

so yeah let me have it and tell me what you think i could improve on :headbang:

my setup is:
ESP ltd Eclipse 1000 vhb>Pod xt>Firebox>Nuendo
I think the POD tone is nice, but I hear clipping on both tracks... besides that, the 'Untitled new...' one sounds thin to my taste... anyway what kind of settings do you have on your POD?

I think you're going on a right path, but you still have a tad more tweaking to do! :)
Drums sound like DFH drums but unmixed or something... they sound very flat... Needs some EQ-ing and stuff to make them sound big.

Guitar tracks sound very dirty (i don't knwo if it's due to clipping) and i'm not a huge fan of this kind of djenty Pod tone so i can't help you for this.
lol ive noticed you really dislike pod tone haha thats cool tho but whats your tone of choice?

ive ran out of ideas for the drums ive eq'd them to fuck and people still say they sound like the stock DKFH , but since it's EZdrummer with that plugin am i really gonna sound like anything else? :S

im really only using it for demoing perposes anyhow seeing as im just gonna record the final verisons DI'ed n get someone to re-amp them....
lol ive noticed you really dislike pod tone haha thats cool tho but whats your tone of choice?

Well first you should try to get a tone that does not distort all the place and that will solve 80 % of the problem :) Let's see how it sounds after that.

ive ran out of ideas for the drums ive eq'd them to fuck and people still say they sound like the stock DKFH , but since it's EZdrummer with that plugin am i really gonna sound like anything else? :S

Really ? Your bass drum and snare does not sound like they've been Eq-ed a lot. Eq more to make them sound bigger maybe (give some body to the snare, and for the kick drum boost at 80 hz or something and boost somewhere higher to have the "clicky kick" sound also).