Remixed a tune for a friend... opinions?


Queer Old Man
Jan 12, 2002
Calgary, AB, Canada
hey guys, i'm really new to mixing and such, and i'm trying to learn as much as i can about it. A friend said he hated how his one song sounded, and wanted it to sound crisp and clean, and wanted me to try to fix it up. He did send me all the original files... there was only one rhythm guitar part though (makes it hard to make a huge sound... argh..). I did my best on it today, and i think it's better, but there still a lot that's not so great sounding. Anyway, if you could kindly listen to the original and then the remix to let me know if I'm on the right track, i'd greatly appreciate it!


Hey Mumble! You posted here before? This forum is farkin' awesome.

I'm sure you'd be able to contribute some good stuff here.

Gonna listen soon and get back to ya...
thanks static! i've posted a few times here, but mostly i just read. I generally don't have a clue what i am doing when i mix haha... i guess that's obvious though :p Still, i think i've made an improvement over the original here. Maybe not much though... haha...
yeah, i was so lost on what to do with the vocals. they stood out like a sore thumb after i finished mixing the rest of the instruments heheh... also, there was reverb on the vox on the original files i got so i couldn't really do much with it, except add more and make it worse. hahaha... didn't know what to do to make them sound better. Anyone else have advice on how to make this sound nicer?
Yep, I concur that the vocal verb you added seems to dull them rather than make them sound fuller. In the first mix it seems the vocals stood out more, just the guitar and bass was fuzzier and worse.

Actually, to be brutally honesty, I think the first mix sounds better than the remix. Everything is a bit duller in the remix. From a producer's perspective it is more 'whole' as a song, as the elements are more relative to each other...but just from casually listening...the first mix seems more dynamic.

Could benefit from rerecording or something. :p I actually quite like the song, took a sec to get used to but it's cool.
Hmm. you seemed to completely lose the snare in the remix, which gives the song a much more laid back feel than the original, and vocals are definitely too loud. I thought the guitars came out better in the remix, and a bit of boomyness was removed. Personally, i think the song and original recorded sounds make it too much of an uphill challenge from the start.
Mumblefood said:
hey guys, i'm really new to mixing and such, and i'm trying to learn as much as i can about it. A friend said he hated how his one song sounded, and wanted it to sound crisp and clean, and wanted me to try to fix it up. He did send me all the original files... there was only one rhythm guitar part though (makes it hard to make a huge sound... argh..). I did my best on it today, and i think it's better, but there still a lot that's not so great sounding. Anyway, if you could kindly listen to the original and then the remix to let me know if I'm on the right track, i'd greatly appreciate it!



hey wtf, i mixed the same song !! he asked me to to mix it. he asked it on the petrucciforum right >
yeah, drums were programmed, and i don't have the individual drums to work with, just a single track :( Anyway, so i should turn the vocals down.... change the reverb... Static do you have any idea how i could make the remix more dynamic? i know what you mean because i hear it too. The original sounds like it has more balls or something. Mendel, you remix sounds better :p just that you got the parts in the wrong order haha... :p