Remixed Metal Clip With Splawn Quick Rod


May 25, 2005
My Splawn Quick Rod finally came in. So far so good. I am going to refrain from writing a review just yet. I want a couple of weeks under my belt before I give thoughts or compare to what I have owned previously.

I should have pictures this week (digital camera needed to be charged). I was able to put a quick clip together. It is a retake of a previous clip I recorded called Desperate Times. I took the Mark IV rhythm tracks out and re-recorded it with the Splawn. I left the Mark IV clean tracks since I had a very small window of time to record. My playing was a tad off as well (unfinished basement with no heat vents...freezing).

I am just barely learning how to dial this bad boy in but I really like it so far. It is a completely different animal from the Mark IV. The guitar tracks in the clip could have been a bit brighter but that will come along. Over the next week I should have it tweaked and dialed in how I like it. I will start making new clips soon. I will say that it is fun trying a new flavor of amp. Times (Quick Rod).mp3