Hi! We are a deathcore band from Costa Rica (http://www.facebook.com/repelthemassacre?ref=ts) , we really need your help!
So there's a radio station down here thats having a competetion, the grand prize its a pro recorded demo! We just need you to 'Like' our photo on facebook and that's it! We promise to give you all the most devastating metal demo eva!
What to do?
1. On facebook look up for this page and "Like" it http://www.facebook.com/repelthemassacre?ref=ts#!/vibrarockcr
2. Go to this photo and "Like" it http://www.facebook.com/repelthemas...6477832&set=pu.107628955948395&type=1&theater
3. That's it! Every single vote counts! Thanks!
So there's a radio station down here thats having a competetion, the grand prize its a pro recorded demo! We just need you to 'Like' our photo on facebook and that's it! We promise to give you all the most devastating metal demo eva!
What to do?
1. On facebook look up for this page and "Like" it http://www.facebook.com/repelthemassacre?ref=ts#!/vibrarockcr
2. Go to this photo and "Like" it http://www.facebook.com/repelthemas...6477832&set=pu.107628955948395&type=1&theater
3. That's it! Every single vote counts! Thanks!