
Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

Say it with me:

"I love the snake"
"I worship the snake"
"I toast a drink unto thee"

"I love the snake"
"I worship the snake"
"I toast a drink unto thee"

"I love the snake"
"I worship the snake"
"I toast a drink unto thee"

Good, now bow your head for your blessing.


HudleShod-Massive Rod
Beautiful Love and Hate

"the cuff to the shoulder!"
she screams
"the cuff to the shoulder!"
she begs
"you're rough and you're older"
she groans
"but without you I'm colder"
she moans

Deeper than the deepest tunnels
hotter than the molten lava
Nothing ever could be better
the sexual snake grows wetter and wetter

"Sexual snake!" (snake, snake)
"You'll never break!" (break, break)
"When hitting the ground!" (snake, break)
"You cause an earthquake!" (quake, quake)
"You'll never leave us!"
"You'll always thrive!"
"Please redeem us!"
"Help us survive!"
"Teach us this day!"
"Oh snake of great power!"
"Give us your nectar!"
"A nectar-filled shower!"

We raise our hands to you on high.
Take our offering, raise your eye.
Give us love, from your flue.
We live our lives in honour of you.
We your children, need your chowder,
We call for you, louder and louder.
Yes you are the chowder blaster.
Forever in time you are the master!


Yeah, welcome back. And you brought some warm weather with you too. Very nice of you :) .

Now amuse us with thoughts of how doomy and great Deathcap will be :cool: