Report: John Cena Suffers Injury?


True Fan
Feb 5, 2005
California USA


Source: PWInsider
According to some fans in attendance at the WWE event in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, John Cena seems to have injured his leg in his cage from the Wasteland finishing move in his match against Wade Barrett.

Their main event match was back and forth and consisted mostly of Barrett attempting to escape and Cena stopping him. Around the 20 minute mark, Barrett got Cena in the Wasteland and dropped Cena on the mat. Apparently everything stopped and the trainers came to the ring and were talking with Barrett and Cena. After that Cena put on a Lebell Lock hold that wasn't the STF, Barrett tapped out, and left the ring quickly.

The announcer came out and brought the mic to John. John said "I got a little beat up tonight and if I need to take some time off I will but I will not be carried from the ring."
Hahaha.... I've seen this thread for like, a week or so.
I saw John Cena, and was thinking you were talking about the kid from Superbad!

Cena is not a steroid abuser c'mon, he is a product of hard work, diet and most importantly genes. Whether you hate him or not or even don't care, that guy does a ton of stuff to help people. From the things he does for the Make A Wish Foundation and other charities, he is generally a good person and I'm not even a fan. I like the villians myself. I think he has embraced his role and become a great role model for kids. And I HATE kids lol.
Since this is the wrestling thread, what do you fans think about all the hype of HBK (Shawn Michaels) going into the WWE Hall Of Fame this year? While it is a nice show of respect for HBK, the HOF essentially means nothing since it features guys like Koko Ware and Bob Uecker (whos only wrestling fame is getting choked by Andre The Giant at Wrestlemania 3), guys that meant little to nothing in the big picture of WWE. (Also Macho Man is not in it.)
Lol, only problem with that is Triple H and Goldberg (who was rumored to go in the HOF this year) have real life heat, so chances of Goldberg ever getting in are slim because of HHH's political power.
Cena is not a steroid abuser c'mon, he is a product of hard work, diet and most importantly genes. And I HATE kids lol.

Alright... inocent until proven guilty. Any wrester who makes it beyond 50 and never dies or suffers from "heartproblems" proves he is clean (or at least has good enough genes to live throught it).

I love kids, with peppermint sauce and a shot of grapa!