Repressions I-VI :: An exordium of Sadness, Anger and Death by Verwelkend! (Info, Artwork & Stream


Heavy Metal OTD
Feb 17, 2014
Repressions I-VI is the title of the self-released EP of the US Black/Gothic metal band Verwelkend. EP contains nine tracks that can act as a prelude to their forthcoming work and it was released on April 16, 2018.
Now here I wait forgotten in time. This woman in black i've become. Sadness and lose consume my soul, You could have saved him. Taken from Possession In Black


1. Repressions I-
2. Repressions II-
3. Repressions III-
4. Repressions IV-
5. Repressions V-
6. Repressions VI-


Verwelkend was born of one concept,make dark music and spread it like a venom for those who wish to hear it.
Conceived in 2014,Verwelkend underwent many name changes before any music was officially recorded.Many of Verwelkend’s songs are written solely based on the beliefs,emotions,and experiences of its founding member,Leiden.

The main basis for the band's music is an attempt to convey fear,unease,and dread both through the band's music as well as their imagery resulting in the tracks Voices and Life Support causing extreme distress and sadness to some listeners.

Death,Lament,Anger,Satanism,Occultism,the Demonic,and Sickness are just some of the topics covered within the bands music.Many many hours and sleepless nights were put into the band resulting in hundreds of lyrics and the band's first demo E.V.P consisting of only guitar work and vocals.

The band then recruited their current drummer known as Ember. Ember brought an extreme sense of passion and skill to the band having apprenticed under Chad Szeliga of Breaking Benjamin and Black Label Society fame as well as learning from numerous other acts within the metal scene.

Following numerous hardships,the band released their song Possession In Black as a taste for what to expect from their upcoming demo. Possession In Black was received extremely well by its listeners and found its way to the ears of many larger bands.

The band's second demo,know as Exorcismus,has garnered the band praise as well as acknowledgement from many parties.. Following the release of Exorcismus,Leiden was nearly killed resulting in the band's dedication to its work and beliefs only being reinforced leading to an even more driven conglomerate.Verwelkend then released the very well received dark ambient piece known as “Kenopsia”.

Members of Verwelkends Shades were subjected to listening to the piece under observation reporting severe discomfort,nervousness,and a droning sense of nothing. Verwelkend is currently working on material for an upcoming project with all lyrics and many guitar parts finished.


Lineup, Leiden - Lyrics, Guitars & Vocals :: Ember - Drums & Bass