
Mine is to get more serious about the band thing which Amos and I are attempting to do.First of all,it would be great if we could get together to have more practice sessions.My long term goal if for as to have at least one entire song written and practiced by my 15th birthday(early March).My really long term goal is for us to have enough songs written and practiced by December 31st,2003 for Morphiette to put together a demo tape.It's not anything like "Make demo tape,send it to a record company and become famous.",it's just that I have some frineds that I
ve told about the whole "band" thing and they said that they'd like to hear whatever we're doing.And if that can develop into something more,then that wouldn't hurt.
I resolve that should 2003 be as bad as 2002, that I will consume large quantities of drugs and alcohol and die on a Toilet like Elvis.

Other'n that mostly to return to school for me graduate degree and avoid psychotic and religious women.
I'm not gonna punch assholes teeth out any more (I have one knuckle left haha ) I geuss I'm sayin' I will take idiots shit talk for more than 2 seconds heheheheheh and then slam there heads down hehehsahahhshasdhasdyADF
i dont make new years resolutions

they're for people who arent commited enough to try doing things right at the moment. "I will do [whatever] this year" ok, a year is a long time to procrastinate. Resolutions are good things, but perhaps try making resolutions every other day of the year as well.
I resolve not to resolve, and I just created a paradox, and the universe is collapsing... Damnit. *Hits the Vodka glass again* And no, I'm not drunk. :)
Become an olympic gymnast

Have sex with a midget

Fart in my brother's mouth at least twice a month

Get my dream job of working at a poultry farm, taking blind turkey's out to shit

Write my thesis on how the show Cheers is a giant, abstract metaphor for making the perfect Egg Salad sandwich, which is tentetivly titled "How the Show Cheers is a Giant, Abstract Metaphor For Making The Perfect Egg Salad Snadwich"

Not to laugh next time I see a man with no legs at an airport

To find Jesus, then procceed to tie him up, slap mayo on his ass and throw slices of bologna at it

To stop posting on this board
I make resolutions the whole year through.
There are certain things i need to achieve this year.
Two years ago, i made a deal with myself and this year will be the deadline and i know i will succeed as long as i stay committed.
So, my resolution for this year will be: keep on going like i do right now, i'm doing just fine!
It's not easy and i certainly don't get it for free, i have to work real hard to reach my goals. But the feeling i can look into the mirror, see myself and start to smile, that's worth the blood, sweat and tears!
I already know what the next step will be, but one foot at the time...i can't go on, if the other foot will stay put, because i didn't finished something i started.
Ok, i'm slow but atleast i get to the finish line..i hate to give up and realise it's my own stupid fault.
Thnx for the wise words Chromatose, i totally agree with you!

xxx Iris xxx