Return to Forever Reunion Tour

wow... The Flecktones AND RTF...unbelievable...lucky people...

Romantic Warrior really helped open my eyes to fusion music...and helped show me that virtuosity can also be tasteful and interesting...the drums on that album are unreal! well.. everything is haha...

more people defenitly need to look into this band...

Edit: There will be a toronto show... *creams*
I bought Romantic Warrior to find out later that it is one of the best fusion albums around. I got into the band because I play bass I heard a lot about Stanley Clarke and how awsome he is. I then heard I should "get the album with Al Dimiola on it" so I bought this one. It took me a little time to digest the music, but in no time a was just respecting the musicianship. I might go see the show if I can afford it, it should be great though.
Welp, just got tickets for the Philadelphia show August 5th. $70 for my location really isn't bad considering the acts I'm going to witness. Really can't wait for august now.
Oh yes, Al can still play... just saw him a year or two ago.

But..... this is going to be amazing!!! Such a great surprise, and with the Flecktones too!
i'm pretty goddamn excited about this..... I didn't get into RTF until after i'd listened to fusion for a while (started with Jean Luc Ponty, Mahavishnu, Jeff Beck,Planet X, etc), but Lenny White has grown to become one of my favorite rock/fusion drummers of that era. I'd actually heard the Ponty/DiMeola/Clarke CD "The Rites of Strings" before i'd heard "Romantic Warrior"....shame on me.

anyway, i think it's like 50 bucks here in orlando, so i'll definitely be going.

anybody going to buy the 400 dollar ultra tickets?