Reunion blues?

Nov 4, 2004
'Dia dhuit a chairde'! (Irish for 'Howdy')

To use an americanism,I for one am "stoked" about this reunion.

Sure,the almighty dollar probably is the main motivating factor behind it,and,Charlie's comments about Dime's death adding some fuel to this reunion fire were ill-chosen and to many,in bad taste,but,as a 'Thrax fan,I can't wait to see this tour.Whether it's for the long run,or,until the reunion-novelty wears off,at least it'll give huge ammounts of newer 'Thrax fans the chance to see the band with the lineup that made them famous.It IS an event,at least in the metal-world,even if motivated by money over music.

I saw this line-up on the 'Noize' tour in London('92),and,maybe like so many other fans at the time,thought Anthrax had fucked up when they sacked Joey.Bringing in John Bush was a masterstroke though,it did revitalize the band,and,some of my favourite 'Thrax albums are definitely from the Bush-era."White Noise" was such a revelation at the time,way back in '93, and subsequent albums "Stomp" and "Volume 8" are top-class metal works! I didn't take to "WCFYA" as much as everyone else seems to have done though.Whether Bush(and Rob & Vera) will be back is anyone's guess,it depends on how well the reunion does,and how long the public remain interested in the novetly factor.Hopefully it won't go down the KISS road--creatively dead after the initial excellent reunion,exisiting purely as a nostalgia-act afterward.

Very stoked about seeing this tour,just to see that lineup one more time,but,creatively,after it--??? It's exciting as a fan to see that lineup again,of course it's nostalgia,it's not a creative move for the band--but,if it is for one tour--and to make some money to keep Anthrax going,shouldn't they be allowed that luxury?? Some of us think so--to each his own,right?
yes, I too should partake of heritage and the wisdom (and beer) of my ancestors homeland.

Dude....I am an O'Connor, look up a cousin and tell 'em I said "WASSUP ?!?" :tickled: