Revalver + ezdrummer + pitched guitar


Señor Miembro
Feb 17, 2009
Sup ppl, i'm working on this thingy right now, the drums r just ezdrummer with some tweaking 'cuz my pc is kind'a fucked right now and can't get drummagog to work with the slate stuff =C
Anyway, guitars are quadtracked, TSS + revalver + awesometime impulses, the bass (barely noticeable...) is just a pitched DI and warp vst, used the voxengo tapebus thing too on drums and guitars, lemme know what you think plz
definately cut some off the lows on the kicks and toms, maybe boost abit of 4k on the kicks with a high Q too. other than that i like it!
kool thanks dudes, the kick and snare still have to be replaced as soon as i can, and yeah it's boomy as fuck now that u say, i'm comparing it to most of the bands i hear and they sound thin compared to this xD