Revalver on sale today for $30

I remember using the demo of Revalver 2 (i think) and i really liked the 'feel' of it compared to some other amp sim things. it's a good all-in-one solution and i believe you can load external impulses.
Man I remember back in the day everyone here was raving about revalver. Now everyone has Kempers except me :(
I have Revalver MKIII and was always curious if it was worth upgrading from MKIII to MKIII.V, but I haven't used it in years so I never looked into it seriously. Always loved the software, would've been interested in trying this version for only $30, but it's already sold out. Oh wellz.
It's ok, but not something I've come back to often if at all since I got it. IMO any one of LePou's or onqel's sims are miles beyond revavler (or any other paid sim software ftm). One redeeming thing about revalver is that it happens to have an official sim of my exact amp (3120).

Weird, my Stupid Deal of the Day is a Sonic Maximizer that was listed as the deal of the day yesterday for $0. Methinks MF is encountering some website errors.

I got that as well. A mistake surely, since they offered the same item 2 days in a row.

..wonder if they gave it away to someone for $0.00 :lol: