Revalver, S2.0, what a horrible night..


beat defective
Sep 12, 2008
to have a curse.

i was playing around with revalver this evening, and got this, i think it sounds quite like the original!

EDIT: UPDATED MIX, maybe better drums, tell me what you think! same file name though, just click again :)

i know the drums sound a bit gash, i've just re-installed, so i'm missing some plugins and what not. i'll work on that later.

i know its way slow too. :p

what do you think?

haha, don't worry about the drums, i know they're not sounding great!

that BDM cover sounds pretty awesome! i haven't played what a horrible night, in quite a few months, hence the speed (or lack thereof), but you've made me want to cover it completely now!

haha. i'll work on the drums.

thanks for the input!
Yeah, there is way too much compression on those drums. It would sound better without the compression than it does right now. Guitar tone doesn't seem too bad but honestly I can't hardly listen to the guitars with the drums like they are.