Revenge - Infiltration. Downfall. Death


Jun 17, 2004
Revenge - Infiltration. Downfall. Death
Osmose Productions - OPCD 201 - 25 February 2008
By George Grant


I suppose that with an album of this nature a precaution is in order. For those out there that find little to no artistic validity in rabid blasting, frenzied vocals and a wall of buzzing guitars, it may be best to slowly back away and forget you ever clicked on this link.

War metal, bestial black metal, or whatever you call it, is certainly a polarizing genre. One needs to look no further than Canada’s own Revenge and their third full-length, Infiltration. Downfall. Death. This duo of James Read (also of like minded Axis of Advance) and Pete Helmkamp (Angelcorpse and the seminal Order from Chaos) present here an unrelenting cacophony that pummels the listener into submission. Encasing the madness in a deep and veiled production only makes this album all that more of an experience.

For those willing to venture into these waters, it may be best to let the album wash over you as a whole. Allow yourself to be sucked into the abyss and feel the energy rather then trying to pick apart specific aspects of the music. With time your ears will adjust and the details will come into focus. I couldn’t help but be reminded of the first Deicide releases when listening to Infiltration. Downfall. Death. Not only with the nature of the music, but also the off-the-wall vocal performances conjuring up memories of Glen Benton’s early work. Only that Revenge has taken this formula to a whole new plateau.

Again, Revenge’s sound is not for everyone, and chances are it won’t click after even a handful of listens. Hell, I’ve had the promo for over two months and I'm still feel on the fence about this release, and something tells me that’s exactly what Revenge wants!

Official Revenge MySpace Page
Official Osmose Productions Website