Review Index Updated


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
All the latest reviews are now in the Review Index:

AINA - Days of Rising Doom
BENIGHTED - Insane Cephallic Production
BRACED FOR NAILS - Damnation's Prayer
DEADHORSE - Peaceful Death and Pretty Flowers
DISBELIEF - Spreading the Rage
KOTIPELTO - Coldness
DAN LORENZO - Cassius King
MALEVOLENT CREATION - The Ten Commandments
MEMORIZED DREAMS - Theater of Life
SKINLAB - Nerve Damage
SUBTERRANEAN MASQUERADE - Temporary Psychotic State
TOC - Loss Angeles [Staff Pick of the Week]
AMARAN - Pristine in Bondage
GRUNTSPLATTER - The Organ Harvest
JUNGLE ROT - Fueled by Hate

Note that the Review Index now looks a little more simplistic, in that the album cover scroll over javascript thingy is going to disappear - too much work just to get a fucking link out.

Also, the LETHAL links right into the new subforum. :kickass:

Lyckantropen DVD
VII Gate - Fire, Walk with Me
Threshold - Critical Energy

This is obviously working out then. :kickass:

RC Staff - as and when you add a review to the sub forum, just add it into this thread. That way, we can see it immediately and I can update the index on the zine site. :)

We'll probably start a thread like this for every major upload, which we can all append to until the next upload.
I like the new look. To be honest, I never understood why you would make images out of text in a Verdana font for the index front page instead of just writing the text. :lol: Just seemed like a whole bunch of unnecessary work to me.
Erik said:
I like the new look. To be honest, I never understood why you would make images out of text in a Verdana font for the index front page instead of just writing the text. :lol: Just seemed like a whole bunch of unnecessary work to me.
Do not laugh! That is the only way the javascript would work - the scrollover mechanism would only respond to image rollovers, not text, so each title had to be made into a GIF image. I only do what Dreamweaver allows (in the capcity that I know the app).

Anyway, it's all moot now.
Huh? You're just talking about text scrollovers? Fuck, that is simple. Take into account what the javascript was doing on the review index: it was allowing scroll over of text titles to change the ALBUM COVER accordingly. That's what you're talking about right? That particular javascript needed image rollovers, not text.

I've never made GIF titles just to change the color. Even now, that is all regular text where Dreamweaver inserts a STYLE command at each line:

STYLE="text-decoration: none" onMouseOver="'#FFFF00'" onMouseOut="'#660099'"

Piece of cake.
AAAH. I get your point now. Yeah, the whole image thing will require some JavaScript. It is quite possible to do it with text links also though.

STYLE="text-decoration: none" onMouseOver="'#FFFF00'" onMouseOut="'#660099'"
Actually I must say this is a wholly retarded way to do things (Dreamweaver's fault, not yours) because it requires JavaScript and is needlessly cryptic when

<style> a { color: #660099; } a:hover {  color: #FFFF00; } </style>
would have done the same for all of the links.
Yeah, man, I am a slave to WYSIWYG and Visual Studio interfaces. Blame it on old age or something, heh, but I'm well aware of lacking CSS scripts, etc. Thing is, I *think* that WYSIWG editors try purposely to employ javascripts as opposed to CSS just because they take into account lots of incompatable browsers and so forth. I don't know - maybe it's easier to unify javascript, since you know, java itself is *supposed* to be platform independent.

Anyway, even with the album cover scroll over, I have learned that people do not need anything fancy. I am now a fan of KISS.

KISS: Keep it simple, stupid. :loco:
Yep, got them all into the RC index now too. :)

RC Staff - when you publish a forum review can you send me the post link (either via e-mail or PM). And remember, not the link to the thread, but the post itself. Click the '#1' in the top right corner for that URL. Thanks. :)
Six new reviews added to the RC Index:

ABACUS - Sampler Comp.
KATATONIA - Brave Yester Days
ILLOGICIST - Subjected
TWILIGHT OPHERA - The End of Halycon Age
ENSOPH - Opus Dementiae

PHARAOH - After the Fire
LAMENTED SOULS - The Origins of Misery
EYES OF FIRE - Ashes to Embers
EMANCER - Invisible
All the lastest reviews are now in the A-Z index, including new staff pick, Death Angel.

What happened last night? Everyone suddenly get the urge to write new reviews?!! Holy cow, the review subforum is already at 2 pages.