Review our new single.

I've been listening to Surviving self resentment for a few days now (since it was released on Wimp)
The first thing that stood out for me was the way the riffs that just blew me away, Insense's riffing has always been one of the reasons why I love this band, and now with Surviving self resentment it feels they may have evolved there riffing even more..

Tommy Hjelm's vocals feels fresh as usual, he has a way of "twisting/pitching he's voice" (hard to explain, sometimes sounds as someone are squeezing he's balls just to get the pitch higher) that makes it stand out as real original compared to allot of other vocalists in the same genre and this is of-course even present in Surviving self resentment.
Personally I'm not a big fan of clean vocals, at least not from Insense, there are some clean vocals in this song (however barely there), it is really ridiculous of me toeven bring it up at all, but hey, sorry.. Tommy you are not allowed to do clean vocals...ok? :)

No seriously, the vocals really are exceptional as usual from Tommy Hjelm.
The riffing and the structure of the song is fantastic, and I love the parts where the drummer bashes the HiHatt forcing me to headbang along to the bashing..

A side note, I remember seeing Tommy Hjelm/Insense in my hometown (Halden) playing some football for fun before the concert they where doing later, I remember thinking, "hmm Tommy is a pretty small boy" (in size), then somehow at the concert Tommy's mighty vocals and presence made me think "God damn, now he seems like a giant" and that is how I view Tommy now, he is a giant on stage :)
Great song Insense, looking forward to hearing the rest of the album, and I can tell you that I have been waiting :)
Hei, Truls og Insense!

Tar dette på norsk jeg..
Har gledet meg sykt lenge til denne utgivelsen. Har ikke tall på hvor mange ganger i uken jeg var innom siden deres for å få dato på utgivelsen.
Nå er det rett rundt hjørnet, og jeg kommer for å se dere i Sandnes 8. April!

Skal helt ærlig si at jeg ble litt småskeptisk da Friden kom inn i bildet, da mtp. selve lyden på plata. Ingenting vondt mot Anders som person,
men jeg syns lyden til In Flames har blitt litt tam på de to siste utgivelsene. Heldigvis kicker de fremdeles ass på scenen, og det virker som om han har gjort en utmerket jobb for å promotere dere!

Jeg elsker lyden dere har mekka på The Silent Epidemic, så derfor var jeg som sagt litt småskeptisk/bekymret for det nye albumet. Det er noe med den rå og "upolerte" lyden dere har (selv om den nok er polert en smule..?). Jeg hører at noe i den "nye" lyden er forandret, men absolutt ikke til det negative!

Når det gjelder selve musikken så var det helt klart verdt å vente på! De tunge riffene sammen med det melodiøse og vakre, gjør dette til en større kontrast enn i eventyret om skjønnheten og udyret. Teksten høres også veldig interessant ut. Har ikke fått med meg alle ordene, men håper dere legger ut tekstene etterhvert? Dere skal få en bedre anmeldelse når hele plata er ute, men jeg kan si med en gang at dette lover bra!

Må også nevne at jeg gleder meg til å høre sangen som hører til trommene fra youtube videoen "Truls nails it"!
Uten at jeg har hørt noe mer enn Surviving Self Resentment, så tror jeg "Truls nails it"-sangen kan bli favorittlåten på albumet.

Gleder meg sykt til 8. april, både mtp. utgivelse og konsert! Håper det blir mulighet for signering?
Sees der!

- Anders
Martin her,

@anderbor, tekstene kommer i coveret til både cd´n og vinylen. "Truls nails it" låta er med og heter "I Envy The Dead". Ble veldig kul! Hele partiet fra den videoen er det som ble "taket" vi brukte.
Yup, Anders har vært veldig kul mot oss! Nye IF tror jeg blir veldig bra. Jeg er fan av nyere IF ting også forsåvidt :)

@tertitten, jeg ble også tatt på senga av cleanpartiet til Tommy på første refreng men det har vokst på meg. Andre refrenget blir ikke så tøft om det ikke er litt dynamikk der.

Kult! Dette var bra lesing.
ok... I dont know the norwegian language, but I know "Surviving Self Resentment" and I love it :loco:
Two things about Tommy - First: I really like your vocals... Both, clean and scream, are very awesome and I think you should keep doing both of these things!
Second: I like your dreads.
By the way, can you make a song with In Flames maybe?? The world has never seen such a collaboration before :yow:
Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated! I don't recommend dreads. Their heavy, annoying and full of shit. But that's what happens when it hurts to comb.
Anyways, I don't think In Flames see the benefit of doing a collab with us. But hell, we'd be up for it!
Wow. A reply by the one and only Tommy Hjelm :)
Man, you keep this song fresh, I can listen to it for 2 hours without getting annoyed! Your drummer is also doing great work in "The Worst Is Yet To Come", our drummer is exhausted after 20 minutes of playing :err:
Do you have any advice for other vocalists/guitarists in metalbands? What do you do when you perform on stage and how do you keep your voice alive for one hour?
Haha, thanks for the feedback, appreciate it.
I'm not the right guy to ask for advice. I'm still working out the kinks. My voice tends to improve after about 30 minutes, when I've "shaved off" the edges. Ideally I would scream for about 30 minutes prior to the show, but I never do, mostly for logistical reasons.

Just find your hot spots, what your voice is best at, and try to tweak it. Oh, and check out
Nice! "Shaving off" the edges is something I didn't notice yet and I can't really explain myself how this is scientifically possible with a voice, I guess we'll need to try it out... But wait... 300$ for a one hour lesson? Not very cheap... Do you have one of her DvDs?
Also, when will you be in Germany? I can't wait to see you live! :Smokin:
Just gotta say, the single (and album) sounds freakin amazing! You've really taken your music to a whole new level this time. The production is properly dirty and angry, I like that. You can't polish something like this... still it sounds awesome.
This tune is being fellated and kicked in the nads at the same time. Gloriously angry and nice.
Just gotta say, the single (and album) sounds freakin amazing! You've really taken your music to a whole new level this time. The production is properly dirty and angry, I like that. You can't polish something like this... still it sounds awesome.
This tune is being fellated and kicked in the nads at the same time. Gloriously angry and nice.

Takktakk, Espen!
Trivelig atte.

Greetings guys! :D
I have been listening to your new album for a while now and I found some things that I like pretty much and things I did not like that much.
Ok, first of all: Truls, you are awesome as per uzhe.
Anyways, the things I find really cool about some songs are the changes from heavy screaming and shouting to clean and melodic vocals, but I guess that's the usual style of you, Tommy, you kept it, as far as I know, since "Soothing Torture"... The catchy stuff is still present and that's awesome! As you guys told in your webisodes, you combined your agressive style with the melodic, wich is awesome and I guess that made your "Burn In Beautiful Fire" so special!
Now... The only thing I don't really like is that you never changed the settings of your guitar. The bass, the tuning, the effects, they all stay the same during the whole album. Maybe you planned this, maybe most of your fans like it but I personally think that this adds a slight... "similarity" to all your songs! Although it blasts my theory about your album being the best album ever made, I still fucking love your music and you ruined all the other bands for me that I listened to! Thank you!
Sincerely and very proud of knowing the best band alive,