REVIEW: Stun's website, CoB lyrics and Midis

Officer Nice

Oct 7, 2002
In the perspective of fairness, after reading Stun's review of Machine Head,
I decided that fair was fair and it was only fair to review Stun's website,
his CoB Lyrics and his own music, those Midi's he so strongly defends....

The Website

I click on his link and get teleported to his website but you'd never know it
was his website, or anyone's for that matter. At the top center of the page,
there's some annoying advertising bar for Isley Bros bargain cd's where
everyone else normally has a title bar. There's no menu bar anywhere,
so navigating through the website is difficult. The front page is the news
page and the links page, all thrown together messily. There's no identity
anywhere. There's no graphics, nothing interesting. It's very generic.
Yellow font on black background is just plain ugly. Poor people buy
generic food where the packaging is plain yellow with a black font.
Example, a bag of generic tortilla chips just says "Tortilla Chips" in plain
regular black font. This website is just like that.
The text is crowded right up against the counter which most people put
at the bottom of the page. It's anyone's guess why it's at the top where
a title and menu should be.

The colors for the links are even uglier. The unvisited links are lavendar
and the visited link colors are lime green or florescent green. Either way,
it's an ugly, putrid green. It reminds of bad 80's clothing.
With such atrocious link colors, I have one question. Are you a gay man
waiting to come out of the closet? You'd never catch any self respecting
homosexual using such bad gay colors for links. Especially against a plain
black background. Stun, are you colorblind?

At the bottom of the page, there's some annoying rapidly flashing banner
bar that shakes and makes my eyes hurt.
Who wants to win a prize on Stuns site? Answer: nobody.

Also, there's a dead link that deprives everyone of Stun's midi musicial

I click on that and get a dead page.

the icon next to the 'news' column looks like an Easter Island Statue thing.
It's cheesy. It's not metal, it's not tr00, it's just cheesy. Looks kind of like
the robot mask Styx used for the "Mr. Roboto" video.

The links for the CoB lyrics are messy. The name of the record itself is
italicized next to words that are in regular font, but it's hard to distinguish
when it's in ugly lavendar. Plus, those links are crowded together. A line
seperator should be used to make it look better.

The whole front page just looks cramped. Even most geocities web pages
look more flashy and more professional than this attempt.

The Lyrics Pages

words of wisdom: plain grey backgrounds are ugly.

The lyrics are organized and displayed messily.
There's no order to them. Most people who do lyric pages notate where the
verses are, where the bridge lyrics are, where the pre-chorus lyrics are,
and where the chorus lyrics are. There's none of this.
It's just a mish-mash of clutter. Very poor.
The titles are noted with brackets {}. most people underline the title.
One hyphen is used to acknowledge some kind of lyric, but what kind is
confusing. If it's spoken, most people indicated 'spoken' but it's anyone's
guess really. Two hyphens indicate a solo:

-- solo -- ale

Most people indicate solos like this:

Solo: Tipton


Solo: Demmel, Flynn

On the "Follow the Reaper" and "Mask of Sanity" and "Taste of Scythe"
lyrics there's an indication of a 'solo duet' and then on "Kissing the Shadows"
and "Latomeri" and "Silent Scream" there's an indication of a 'solo duel'
What is a "Solo Duel?" Is 20 paces involved? Was it meant to be 'Solo Duet?'
What is a "Solo Duel?"

On a couple of song lyrics it's noted who wrote the lyrics, but that's only
like 2 or 3 instances, but most of them it's not noted. Either be consistent
or don't bother. Who wrote the other lyrics? that's confusing. On every
album I've ever seen, the lyrics to every song are indicated, like:
"All lyrics by Flynn" or "All Lyrics by Flynn, except 2 and 4 by Flynn & Duce"
Be consistent.

The Midi's

The Midi's sound like a cross between Herbie Hancock and a Godflesh/Fudge
Tunnel hybrid,....but done really badly. There's no rational structure to the
songs, it's just several minutes of sound diarrhea. There's so much replication
of sounds in each song, it's hard to even tell the songs apart let alone know
what song you're listening to. Even Harold Faltomeyer who did "Axel F" for
the Beverly Hills Cop Soundtrack would laugh at these. Alex Newport would
tell the composer to hang himself for such compositions and disgracing
music in such ill and disrespectful regard.
Trent Reznor would laugh hysterically and call the composer a 'pussy.'
Midi is for people who cant play real instruments.
If I had to choose between elevator music and these midi songs, which is
just plain excruciating no matter which way you cut it, I'd have to go for the
elevator music. The elevator music may be bland, but it doesnt give you a
migrane. These Midi's aren't metal. They're noise. If bad noise music was
trendy, this would be the most popular record of all time. I'd rather listen
to P.O.D. than punish my ears mascocistally like this. The cheesy Cameo
funk bass lines do not fit at all with that noise. The drums and percussion
all sound like bad 80's Starship and half the drums sound like pre-programmed
beats for white people with no rhythm and can't even do the shameful
'white guy dance.' In 5th grade back in the early 80's a friend of mine
got one of those Casio keyboards with all the pre-programmed beats and
stuff and the drums sounds on the Midi's are the same ones from those Casio
keyboards for $69.99. One of the songs actually had a 60's Batman theme
song feel which is just wrong on so many levels. The song titles dont even
match with the songs themselves. These Midi songs should be put on an
album called "songs so horrendous you want to commit suicide" .
The best thing you could do is take a 10lb sledgehammer to every piece of
equipment and be done with it and put the equipment out of its misery.
I heard the composer is taking these songs on tour. You'll see him in
bowling alleys across the territory. America's denied a passport to the
Composer and labelled him an "Aural Terrorist." I couldnt find any nu-metal
trademarks on these songs, but there were several "listen to once and
destroy" warnings all over the place. Fingernails on a chalkboard is more
symphonic and stepping on cats and listening to them scream is more

After hearing this music, I'm now willing to give Celine Dion, Lionel Richie,
and Milli Vanilli another chance....And that's saying a lot.

Everyone's a critic, right Stun? This is just an opinion.
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Quotes used by Off. his review:

"songs so horrendous you want to commit suicide"

"listen to once and destroy"

"You'll see him in bowling alleys across the territory"

"Fingernails on a chalkboard is more symphonic and stepping on cats and listening to them scream is more musical."


Wow...........that was a hell of a review...........When's Stun going on tour.....
There's a bowling alley near our house, with a chalkboard......& some alley cats out heat.......that may help.......I'll have to go into his website & check it out.............I hope I come out alive, & don't commit suicide..........:ill: .........I'll give it a non-bias chance?
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Very funny. You know, too bad all I did was agree with a thread that DE created... oh well more things for my friends to wonder about. Maybe if you actually listened to the songs, it would've helped. Oh, and that weird little picture is the face of the reaper from the "Hate Me!" single.

btw thanks for telling me about the dead link. I had no idea.

You can talk shit all you want, but I wouldn't be surprised if you liked a few of these songs. Like Dispiritus, or maybe Pig... they're all quite different. :wave:
Stun said:
Very funny. You know, too bad all I did was agree with a thread that DE created... oh well more things for my friends to wonder about.
Dont put that kind of pressure on them. They've already got their hands
full just knowing you.

Maybe if you actually listened to the songs, it would've helped. Oh, and that weird little picture is the face of the reaper from the "Hate Me!" single.
I love that line - "maybe if you actually listened to the songs" that's a cliche
defense for musicians, or 18 year old kids with Midi Technology. Snicker.

Stun, it's the God's honest truth that I downloaded each song, hence, how
I discovered that dead link, and I listened to each one. And boy, am I
sorry I did. Those are awful. Honestly, I'm going to give you some honest
no-bullshit advice. Never, ever, ever, ever,ever take your music to
American Idol. Simon will rip you a royal new-one. It'll be the St Johns
Book of Revelations Simon Ass Ripping.

You can talk shit all you want, but I wouldn't be surprised if you liked a few
of these songs. Like Dispiritus, or maybe Pig... they're all quite different. :wave:
I will talk all the shit I want because I *did* listen to them and I'd be
surprised if I could ever like such aural terrorism. I don't hate myself
enough to subject myself to such sadostic torture. And they're not
quite different. They all sound the same and they're excruciatingly painful
to bear.

Let's just say this.....Machine Head TTAOE > Stun's Midi's.
:Smug: By saying they all sounded the same.... ugh you are soo fucking blind... by saying that you've now moved far beyond any realm that I can reason in. Fuck man. Do you make this shit up to get a rise out of me or something? Maybe, but I'm pretty sure you're just actually that clueless.
Stun said:
:Smug: By saying they all sounded the same.... ugh you are soo fucking blind...
DE and his friends laughed. I wretched. Looks like your genius is all
in your head. You're the only fan club those songs will ever have!

by saying that you've now moved far beyond any realm that I can reason in.
Cause I said your music sucks ass? Awww, is your delicate ego fractured?

Fuck man. Do you make this shit up to get a rise out of me or something? Maybe, but I'm pretty sure you're just actually that clueless.
Actually, I do bullshit a lot of things just for shits and giggles and watching
folks get a rise. Hell, look what I'm doing with Hannibal...hee hee....Hook
Line and Sinker,....lest you forget I am OFFICER NICE....and I am evil....
but truth be told, your music is the smelliest worst pile of cowdung I
ever heard.

Clueless, No. Enlightened, Yes. Watch this.....Testament kicks big ass.
Exodus Kicks Ass. Machine Head kicks ass. Forbidden and Vio-Lence
Kick lots of ass. Bay Area kicks ass.Stun's horrible little Midi's suck donkey dicks. Most people would not beg to differ. Therefore I am enlightened.
I am OFFICER NICE and I am Evil.
Stun said:
You sure are. Now will you shut up?
I just upgraded myself to Asshole2.1!
so now I'm now more ruthless than ever.
I can tell you're mad at me because I said your music sucks.
I'm sorry I dented and fractured your precious little ego.
If you need a good little cry, it's ok :D
As an artist, you should be able to take criticism with a grain of salt
and look at it constructively, like all the pros who play real instruments do.
But you deny deny deny what your music really sounds like.
DE and his friends laughed and I wretched, and speaking for myself,
I've heard plenty of bands in the last 15 years and I know DE's heard every
band alive for 20 years, so if he's laughing and I'm wretching, honestly,
your midi's are deplorable and to consider them actual music, you'd have
to have a lot of contempt for all the musicians on planet Earth who
record music.

Just friendly wisdom.
Dude, saying someone's music "sucks" is not constructive criticism. And you didn't hurt my feelings. You made me sigh and chuckle. NOW will you shut up? I stopped caring when you said all my music sounds the same. Noone, not even the two ppl outside of the Testament board who disliked it, could say that it didn't have lots of variety. You're being an idiot.
Stun said:
Noone, not even the two ppl outside of the Testament board who disliked it
and those 2 people are your only friends? 1. mom 2. dad.

could say that it didn't have lots of variety. You're being an idiot.
yeah I'm being an idiot. You're right. What was I thinking?
I'll conceed. There's tons of variety on those Midi songs.
Some suck, Some suck a lot, some suck a lot more, and some lick balls.
Stun said:
Dude, saying someone's music "sucks" is not constructive criticism.......
OK....Stun.......You said in the Kontos thread.....About Machine Head....."that is was fucking garbage".......So thats think you can, give opinion, but then no one can have an opinion of your music.......thats so weak!
If you have a web link to your music, then expect some constructive criticism...............your music sucks.........;)
<sigh> I didn't offer constructive criticism to Machine Head's music. I said I hated it. I wasn't talking to Rob. I was talking to you guys. And I agreed with an opinion already stated, for that matter... DUH........ Officer Nice was talking to me, the musician who made the music he listened to, and said it sucked and had no talent. That is NOT constructive criticism. His only advice was "never make music again". :Smug: In fact, he's such a loser, he practically wrote an essay about my site, saying everything sucks blah blah blah... it's unbelievable. What's more unbelievable is how fucking -dumb- you're being about this, DE. You're usually one of the smarter ones...

He gave his opinion, I immediately disregarded it because he said they all sounded the same, and I moved on. However some ppl are being fucking dense as shit about this, trying to get the last word in or something at every oppurtunity. Stop kicking a dead horse. Noone cares, except you, DE, and you, Officer. DROP IT.

A better question is, why is this thread existing at all? Oh yeah, cause of an immature hick named Officer Nice who can never ever let anything go, cause everyone might relax and just discuss Testament. Wouldn't that be a first!
Stun said:
<sigh> I didn't offer constructive criticism to Machine Head's music. I said I hated it. I wasn't talking to Rob. I was talking to you guys. And I agreed with an opinion already stated, for that matter... DUH........ Officer Nice was talking to me, the musician who made the music he listened to, and said it sucked and had no talent. That is NOT constructive criticism. His only advice was "never make music again".
Stun- I'm only giving back to you what you handed out on the MH thread.
No More, No Less.
You can dish it out, but you can't take your own medicine, clearly.

:Smug: In fact, he's such a loser, he practically wrote an essay about my site, saying everything sucks blah blah blah... it's unbelievable
Well, your site sucks so bad, you made it really easy for me.
And I wrote that review in 20 minutes. I could have written that on my
laptop while I was going to the bathroom.

More evidence you can't take your own medicine. Now you're lashing out.
Stun, calling me a loser isn't very nice.
All I did was give you what you handed out and now you're calling me names?
A sure sign of immaturity.

What's more unbelievable is how fucking -dumb- you're being about this, DE. You're usually one of the smarter ones...
advice: insulting DE, bad call.

He gave his opinion, I immediately disregarded it because he said they all sounded the same, and I moved on. However some ppl are being fucking dense as shit about this, trying to get the last word in or something at every oppurtunity. Stop kicking a dead horse.
You didnt move on, it's why you keep responding.
Stop beating a dead horse? You keep replying and trying to get the last
word in! The person you're accusing something of is really what you're
guilty of yourself, really.
You handed it out and now you're getting your own medicine and you
can't hang.....and it's completely obvious
...if you really didn't care, you would have ignored it.'re such a gullible target. :D
It's almost too easy. Bait the hook and you'll get a bite.
And I keep catching Canadian Brunswick Stun fish. :)

A better question is, why is this thread existing at all?
Because you handed it out on the MH thread so I'm justified to
give it back to you. And now, it's obvious you can't handle taking
your own medicine and you're trippin and lashing out.


Stop throwing your temper tantrums and go ask mommy for a bottle.

Oh yeah, cause of an immature hick named Officer Nice who can never ever let anything go, cause everyone might relax and just discuss Testament. Wouldn't that be a first!
Yep, it's true...I'm a hick, in real life I really am. And I'm fucking proud as
hell that I'm a hick and I'm sure as shit gonna be a hick until the day I die
and I'm proud of that too. Hicks are one of the many great symbols of the
great nation where I live. And if me being a hick rubs you the wrong way,
you can get a spoon and eat my hick ass. You do no damage in calling
me anything. I'm OFFICER NICE and I'm running asshole(v2.1). I am Evil.

Stun, you can't take your own medicine and now you call me names.
Usually what you're accusing the other person of, is something you
are actually guilty of. So that makes you........immature.
When you can't exist and defend in the debate, resort to calling your
opponent names. I can't let it go? It's obvious you're the one with the
problems. You name call and insult DE and I....when all we did is prove...

You dont practice what you preach.

You're dismissed.