
i will post a longer update later....

both nights sold out...walk up tickets were still available but the standard two days sold out.

People came in early to see Satan's Hallow and TTD on friday which was great and saturday for Savage Master and Zuul.

Highlights for me was Q5 and High Spirits. Ostrogoth were great as well. It was great too see Moros Nyx, Hrom and Walypyrgus get a great turnout as well.

Sadly many people missed out on Wretch who are amazing.

The whole mainstage show was streaming live...i will find the link for who ever wants to see it.
I didn't see a single band put on a weak performance. Q5 pretty much stole the show on Friday. The Rods were perfect. Like, fucking perfect. Liege Lord were unreal, probably the two best guitarists of the fest and the vocals were totally on point. Dantesco had some of the most incredible live vocals you'll ever hear from a band. Twisted Tower Dire rocked with total hardness and played some of my faves, great guys to boot. Zuul were very very good, singer wasn't in top form but with them you don't really need to be. Too bad it was their last gig. Moros Nyx were rad, great sangin and great riffin. Hrom absolutely blew the roof off the second stage, when they started they had about half the room, by the end of their third song the second stage was JAM PACKED, probably the best 2nd stage band of the fest, followed closely by Walpyrgus who nailed it. High Spirits. HIGH SPIRITS. FUCKING HELL! Ostrogoth ruled, played exactly what I wanted to hear from them and total pros about their show. Skelator did a great job despite being hung over as fuck and not having the most enthusiastic crowd. They need to tighten their set up a bit though, too much dead air between songs. Hessian were not my thing but still oddly entertaining. Must have been the golden spandex. Salems Wych were grand, a wonderful reunion performance. Skullview are fucking weird and I don't really care for them but their singer gets way the fuck up there. What a weird lookin dude though, haha. Attacker were amazing. So fantastic. Bummer the eatery next door took so long with our food, missed a few of their songs.
Let me see...

Friday: Satan's Hallow and Twisted Tower Dire started the night off well. Both were great. Vatican wasn't my thing, though that singer had some pipes. Hessian was good on the second stage. Q5 was really impressive I only saw half of their set from watching Beyond Fallen and having a beer over at second stage). Bought a few of CDs, mostly from Mendyk -- the Altar of Oblivion was much appreciated, sir! Also picked up the Swords of Steel book.

Saturday: Missed the first couple of Savage Master songs helping Moros Nyx pack some gear in for their set (I missed Ripper In Black, damn it!). Had a beer and waited for Moros Nyx, which was excellent (way to become animated, Lee!). Saw Walpyrgus, which was also good. And then came High Spirits, which was amazing as usual (I appreciated the way they ended their set, too). The bass player threw his sunglasses out in the crowd mid-set and they hit me in the chest and hit the floor, so I grabbed them. He asked for them back like 3 songs later and I put the throw just over Chris' head (thankfully I didn't hit him or I'd have felt really bad about it).

Lots of good people and good times. Finally got a picture with Bob Byrne (after all these years, proof of us being in the same place at the same time exists).
I only went on Saturday.

Savage Master - only saw last two songs. Guess I needed to see more because I didn't think it lived up to the hype

Zuul - rocked it. Glad I finally got to see them at least once

Moros Nyx - pat's been working at this a long time and it showed! Great performance. Very proud of Pat and Lee and great to see the Bee floating and stinging! Matt is a phenomenal vocalist. Would be curious to see him without a guitar. Would be fierce.

Skullview - solid performance but missed that energy of the first Ragnarokkr. I know mike is still relatively new and they had a new bassist who I think is in stone magnum. Quimby was Quimby tho. Off and on stage.

Aftermath - my fav of the day. They were great. They have been working non stop on getting it going again and it showed.

Coven 13 - only caught last four songs. Tightest I ever heard em play. Great as always. They need a break!!!

Attacker - only caught last two songs. Really didn't do much for me. From people I talked to who are more familiar it sounds like they didn't play a great set list.

High Spirits - man this band just gets better and better (live that is). For the record I still do not care for the latest studio album and wish they would drop "I need your love". But the rest of the setlist killed. ESP Demons at the Door!!

The Rods - great performance. Talk about a rock n roll

Nuclear Assault - the set started out great but halfway thru they lost me a bit on the setlist.
But they definitely had the biggest douche bag crowd in the history of the fest.
Seriously some ass hat was doing metal core stomps in the pit. Luckily his ass got thrown out towards the end

Overall though a great night and a ton of fun
Bands of the fest for me were Liege Lord, Q5, High Spirits, and Hrom. Hessian were awesome but I only caught a couple songs. I was really bummed that I missed Zuul and Dantesco completely. Wretch and Attacker were fun but I was riding the sky at that point.

Sums up my night pretty damn well. I had a blast with everyone and drankin with everyone. I didn't get piss drunk like I did last year, but I was at that perfect level of goofy and fun that everyone loves. It was also really cool chilling with some new Michigan friends and, of course, my niggah Jeff. Highlight of the fest was making Home Alone references with Pat and hearing Dantesco and Attacker live.

I didn't want it to end. Waking up on Sunday to find my hotel room already vacated was depressing :(