Revolution Rennaisance - Age of Aquarius


Apr 5, 2002
Dallas, TX
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Not bad at all, a lot better than I was expecting, but let me tell you I am waiting for the new Strato over this one because I think that one will kick ass. This cd isn't that heavy and is full of mid to slower songs, it would make Kiske a happy camper, so it is a little on the boring side at times for my taste, but not bad.
I just received my copy of Age Of Aquarius yesterday! Can't wait for the new Strato disc, as well! I'd love to see both bands at PPUSA XI!:headbang::kickass:
It took some serious patients to get through that album. Gus does nothing for me vocally and the songwriting is bland. Timo Tolkki's song writing since the self titled Strato album = BAD.
This album sounds completely uninspired and like it was pieced together from random scraps written at drastically different point of time. I could only make it all the way through three songs, the rest skipping because I couldn't get into them.

And that was going in with low expectation.
I was expecting worse, but don't see myself listening to it again, as it was a slow listening and almost put me to sleep at times, but it is still way better than Saina or his solo cd. He has nothing good left in him and just needs to quit while he is behind, instead of trying to quit while he is even more behind and completely lost.
For real, you'd have to be a mental patient to get through it :D
Well, I haven't heard the whole thing, but I think I agree with both the positive and negative reviews. Positively, there's some better melodies, song construction and creative riffing. Negatively, Tolkki's tendency to grandiose, somewhat epic, often preachy type ballads has rarely appealed to me. Seems to be his main focus and I prefer dynamic, vibrant, clever and fast-paced tunes. This album doesn't have much of that, from what I've heard. So, for me, I'm not able to sustain interest. I'd have to hear more to create a better review, but so far I think, it will be good for some, but it's a bit of a snooze for me. Still, I don't think, so far, that's it's a bad album. It will just appeal to a select audience.

I have heard a bit more of the next album by Stratovarius. I'm not going to give more of a review until the promos have been officially released, but I'm excited so far. I can't say it's going to overthrow the metal genre with the next best thing, BUT, it has a definite air of excitement to it that I'm loving. Some compositions are incredibly interesting and new, some less so, but the addition of Mattias' wicked slick and dynamic guitar work is awesome and is able to add interest to the somewhat less innovative tunes. Same with the keyboards. Just when things seem to slow or become ordinary, they ripple through in unexpected ways and peak your interest. It all sounds very "Stratovarius" but with the creativity that was lacking in the last few issues.

If you've not been a fan of Kotipelto's vocals, you many not be won over, but if you've even been somewhat of a fan, it's going to please you. He is not constantly being wrenched into the upper reaches of his range, but is able to build warmth and emotion in a wide spectrum. It seems he's been given an opportunity on this album to show his versatility and depth, which was so lacking on some of the latest Stratovarius' releases. Really looking forward to the real deal with this one. It has so much promise and if the band continues in this direction, this could be VERY exciting indeed!
Well, I haven't heard the whole thing, but I think I agree with both the positive and negative reviews. Positively, there's some better melodies, song construction and creative riffing. Negatively, Tolkki's tendency to grandiose, somewhat epic, often preachy type ballads has rarely appealed to me. Seems to be his main focus and I prefer dynamic, vibrant, clever and fast-paced tunes. This album doesn't have much of that, from what I've heard. So, for me, I'm not able to sustain interest. I'd have to hear more to create a better review, but so far I think, it will be good for some, but it's a bit of a snooze for me. Still, I don't think, so far, that's it's a bad album. It will just appeal to a select audience.
Tolkki has clearly taken a new angle to his composing after he emptied all his ambitions in powermetal scene on the double release called Elements.

I suppose he saw the end of line in what can be with powermetal and figured out it was time to move on. Everything he has made after those huge mammoth releases (Stratovarius, New Era and Saana Pt1 plus now this Age Of Aquarius) have been like going back to the roots to keep it simple.
I listened to Fright NIght and Twilight Times a few days ago, and his new releases could almost be thought as continuation fo those in a new angle.

Tolkki definitely still has the talent to compose but seems to me he deliberately refrains from everything which could remind his trademark bombastic sky-hugging or the overpaced powermetal he did before.
By saying this I don't mean that his current works lack creativity or are worth less, but for those who only expect to hear Stratovarius in AoA it will be a disappontment.

For those who will receive AoA with an open mind there will be plenty to discover, fine melodies, talented playing and many little hooks to discover, but for those who want to listen to Stratovarius there will be a new Stratovarius CD out in May. And what I've heard of it yet; it'll be guaranteed Strato with some distinctive personal touch from each of the guys who did partake in the composing of the CD (all but Jörg).
This may come as a shocker to a few of y'all here, but i can't stand the latest RevRen disc! Age Of Aquarius 5/10. Only 1 truly great song on the whole damn thing, and that's the very last one-Into The Future. I may never buy another Timo Tolkki project CD again!:erk::mad:
^ Revolution Renaissance is not a "Tolkki project" but a band with five members.

This is a quote from Timo Tolkki's post this morning on Stratovarius' board where someone accused him for dictating the musical style in RR:

I usually don't bother to comment these, but there are few things that are just plain wrong factually.
The first album of RR ["New Era" 2008] was a project album consisting of songs I wrote for Strato back in 2006.

All the songs in "Aqe of Aquarius" were composed by me, Bruno Agra and Gus Monsanto together. Pretty much everything was done in a different way than in Strato. We also had a co-producer.

In Strato we found a way that was comfortable and working and yes, also succesful. This was agreed by everyone, which I'm sure Jens can verify.

As for what is good and progressed [in "Age Of Aquarius"], well, I gladly leave that debate for those who want to do it since I really feel I have done my "job" after the album has been done :)

Yeah, since all of the members were present at arranging and recording sessions of the "Age Of Aquarius" last fall in Finland, the album was done the way the band wanted to. The rest of us will have (obviously very different) personal opinions about it and some will like it, others will not. That's how the life moves on and nothing will remain the same forever.

-Peace- :saint:
I'd have a hard time believing that Tolkki let anyone have significant control over the songs, despite whatever credit he's trying to give.

Or if he did, it was only on a handful of tracks. Probably the only handful that are close to listenable.
Well, whatever is the case, it just didn't work for me and I'll be getting rid of my copy of this disc ASAP! Half of the problem for me was that Gus is only half the vocalist that Timo K is. Maybe it's not fair to compare the two singers, but Timo Tolkki's music was made for Timo K's voice, IMO. I LOVE Stratovarius but now loathe RevRen. Too bad, really.
You guys are brutal on this one. I am giving it a listen and I'll admit it is actually pretty decent (but then again, I actually like that big epic sound). Believe me, I've heard much worse than this. However, I am also looking forward to the new Strato album.
You guys are brutal on this one. I am giving it a listen and I'll admit it is actually pretty decent (but then again, I actually like that big epic sound). Believe me, I've heard much worse than this. However, I am also looking forward to the new Strato album.
No offense, SkiBum, but I just can't stand this album and I liked the first RevRen disc. I am, however, greatly looking forward to hearing the forthcoming Strato CD!:headbang:
mëtålspëd;8156683 said:
One of many recent discs that I will never check out... there is far too much good music these days, to settle for anything average (or below).
This is certainly far below the norm for a Timo Tolkki project. You do well to avoid it.