..Rewriting an old song from scratch. Please take a listen

I told myself i wouldn't rate anymore songs because I was feeling like a spam whore, but I saw your name in the OP and was like, shit this guy makes killer sims and has some killer melodic tunes. I feel like a minority on the forums that likes more orchestral music, and I get excited when I see someone who posts that type of music in RMM.

Songwriting: Absolutely powerful. The great combination of elegant and beautiful, yet mystic and eerie. Very atmospheric from both a writing and production perspective. You know I seem to find that the northern Europeans tend to write piano based music that has that atmospheric but dark type of piano sound, while having a more heavier sound still reminds me of bands like present day a-ha or a long the lines of similar music. I can say I have never been anywhere near those countries but listening to music like this and others makes me feel the cold and the sights as if I was really there. Where the hell do you guys pick up on that type of sound. What great bands or other non musical influences are you listening to that allows you to write balanced, elegant music that is not only atmospheric, but bone chillingly takes you somewhere very vivid in your imagination?

Production: You could of had me fooled with that being amp sims for sure, that is if I am assuming correctly they are. The overall mix is so well glued together, and the instruments are clear and separate, but blend so well together yet still feel so distant, it definitely helps out the vibe of the mix and helps accentuate the arrangement itself. Fuck calling it a demo, you could pass that along as a final mix IMO.

In general out of all the melodic mixes that have passed through here, this mix hands down has to be the best I have heard, I am quite impressed. I definitely look forward to hearing more from you in the future.
sounds really really REALLY good.

i really cant say anything bad about it
wow! I wasn't expecting that at all! ;) Thanks!
I don't listen to anything specific to be honest, Soilwork / In Flames / Dimmu Borgir .. but I don't feel that any of them is the source of my creativity/imagination :p I just have to figure out which mood I'm in and let the idea's flow.. I've written this kind of music since I was 15 so I think it's safe to say it's 'my sound'.. I can't tell if it have anything to do with the north european clima or not ;) Thank you for your post, it was very detailed ;)

The-Zeronaut: thanks
Backe: the kick is made from the devildriver sample. the snare is a Tama Starclassic sample (100% replaced).. both are processed to hell afterwards :p
Wild Hades: Thanks, but leave the Marshall out of it !! :D
sorry to bump this old thread, but are there anyone on this forum who would let me experience this track with vocals? :p