Rhythm guitar 101


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia

I love watching him play. It's so forceful and violent.

I always find it interesting when you get guitar players in wanting to sound like 'insert album tone here' but have absolutely none of the technique.

Most guitarists seem to love Loomis for his lead playing, but for me it's the complete opposite.... he is absolutely my favourite metal rhythm guitar player.

Here's another for good measure:

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I completely agree. His soloing is mehh. But his rhythms jump out at you sooooo hard.
I like his solos, but I have to agree, his rhythms just hit you in the face!
Recorded some guys a few months ago and their lead player just picked
soooo soft, in the end, I said we're gonna quad track, let both guys play
the rhythm tracks two times and just used the ones from the second
guitar player.
Those light picked parts just sucked, no power, just mud. I still have no
clue how he managed to get a good lead tone...

Another tough thing are the guys that don't pick consistantly or even
more worse: random!
You want the same sound from riff to riff? Than play it the same way fucker!
Agree. I play my guitars like they owe me money. I always gets great sounds, and mixing my material is a breeze.

Some one else comes in and plays like they're afraid of touching their strings and it's always a nightmare. :p
I completely agree with everything said above. :lol:
Loomis is a beast and I have always loved his Rhythm playing more-so than any of his leads. I'm grateful for my very first guitar teacher stressing the importance of a strong pick attack and not picking lightly.
Guy can play but I always found his compositions to be super boring and somewhat predictable sounding.
i hear ya man, i personaly love blues type soloing but loomis is fast as fuck and very accurate. I dont even listen to nevermore, but i think i have seen all of loomis's guitar clinic stuff, dude is a freak :worship:
There are hundreds of guitarists that I admire, and only a small group that I'd actually listen to on an album.

Technical skill does not automatically guarantee I'll like their writing style, but I appreciate 'em all none the less.
I also like his rhythm playing a lot more than his leads.
The soli are impressive as fuck, but there's a lot more riffs were I think "wow awesome" than the soli, composing wise.
But I'm not that much into that whole shred stuff
I always thought his leads and rhythm were pretty level with each other, not a big nevermore fan however, the vocals kill it for me.

Someone who people should learn from, and I'm sure anyone who has seen them live will agree with me on this, is Terrance Hobbs.
The dude is a machine.

Loomis is a fucking Machine!

Having played with Terrence from Suffocation I can tell you the guy is an AMAZING guitarist. probbably the best rhythm guitarist in the death metal genre!

Jeff Waters is also impressive....

Lets not forget the amazing John Schaffer even though he cant write for shit. His right hand is the best in metal period.
yeah, John Schaffer seems like he's über-tight!
Really not digging 95% of what Jeff Waters has done, but I have to agree
that he's a great rhythm player, not a fan of his leads.
Pat O'Brien is one of my favorite rhythm players of all time.
Obviuosly Loomis solos are great and hes a solid lead player, but I've always found his rhythm playing more interesting, and i've always been more impressed by his rhythm playing, hes my favourite rhythm guitarist :D