Ricky Williams Suspended again!!!


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
MIAMI Apr 26, 2006 (AP)— With another long layoff looming, Ricky Williams is already looking ahead to his latest comeback. The Miami Dolphins running back faces a one-year suspension for his fourth violation of the NFL's substance abuse policy, but said he plans to play again.
Williams' appeal of his latest failed drug test was rejected, the league announced Tuesday.
"I'm disappointed with the decision, but I respect it," Williams said in a statement released by the team. "I'm proud of my association with the National Football League and look forward to returning to the Dolphins in 2007."
Williams sat out the 2004 season after retiring shortly before training camp. He returned last year to play for new Miami coach Nick Saban.
If Williams does try to return next year, he'll be 30 years old and will have played a total of only 12 games in the previous three seasons.
"Ricky is obviously disappointed," said his agent, Leigh Steinberg. "He'll need to work hard to get back to the league in 2007."
Williams' previous positive drug tests were for marijuana, which he acknowledged using. The latest test apparently involved a substance other than marijuana and may have been related to his interest in holistic medicine.
Since his return last season, the NFL required Williams to undergo drug tests up to 10 times a month. He was in India studying yoga when news of his latest failed test surfaced in February.
Williams met with league counsel Jeff Pash on April 10 to appeal the result. He had been participating in the offseason training program at the Dolphins' complex, and he was there working out Tuesday shortly before league announced the rejection of his appeal.
Saban repeatedly praised Williams' conduct and performance last season and supported him in the appeal process.
"This is a league decision, and we are disappointed in what it means for Ricky and the team," Saban said in a statement. "Ricky did an outstanding job for the Dolphins, not only as a player but also what he added as a person to the team's chemistry and to our overall success."
If they have to do that crap then why don't they do it when they no longer play for the NFL? That idiot should be banned from football altogether because he obviously doesn't care that he has drug tests and will continue to fail them. I wouldn't be so lucky with my employer, that's for sure.
He's a complete fucking idiot.
So he like smoking weed. That's not a big deal. BUT...when they are payiing you millions per year to not smoke, it seems like an easy decision to me.
They allow known gang members and felons to play, why not let someone who smokes weed play. Oh yeah thats right, most Americans are in the dark about pot and think its the mighty evil. But I guess its alright to let convicted drunk drivers, people who participate in gang rapes, and gang bangers play football.