Rig Rundown - Deftones' Stephen Carpenter (Premier Guitar, July 2010)

still pretty strange to me to see someone like him (in terms of prominence) using a rig full of old stuff
(couldn't watch the video right now, but I've seen it before) like the Marshall JMP-1 and I think a Rocktron
Intelifex (not sure about this) but using a laptop with Guitar Rig at the same time.
Still distratcting to me, but if it works for him, great, the Orange or in this case Green amps are Chino's,

Did you know that Stephen is into golfing? :D
Yeah it's weird to me also...

And i think you're right about Chino's rig as well.

Heard the golfing thing before, makes a lot of sense (he seems like a super peaceful dude, and when you're in the middle of tour frenzy, you want some peace and quiet to recharge your batteries, and golfing seems to be perfect for that). Chris from Slipknot/Will Haven is into golfing also.
And Clown Slipknot and the guitar players from Slipknot are into fishing (another "peace and quiet" activity).
fishing is sooooooo relaxing!

and yes, he really seems like a peaceful dude, if you read some of his interviews it almost seems like
he plays guitar to relax from golfing and smoking weed :D

always wanted to play golf, just to know how it really is.
he plays guitar to relax from golfing and smoking weed :D


always wanted to play golf, just to know how it really is.

tried it a couple of times years ago, it's kinda like going for a walk in a nice outdoor field, except that you stop here and there to try to achieve a super technical (and physical) move/task

I'd better just walk around in a cool outdoor area, and go to a stupid kiddie mini-golf place for kicks, but each one his own :)