"Right Now" Sammy leaving the brothers?


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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Well, it looks like the VH reunion is about to fizzle out again...I have no 100% source on this but I read a few posts at www.dlrarmy.com with a recent interview Sam did on radio saying how he misses the Waboritas and can't wait to get back to recording and touring with them....and he mentions a few things about the brothers that have made him unhappy...so the buzz is out there (no pun intended to Ed's drinking haha) that he is about to tell them HAPPY TRAILS. I can't say I blame him. The VH reunion hasn't done well and it looks like Eddie, though my hero, has his head up his ass again...maybe Sam will take Mike Anthony with him and they can do good things. I predict Sammy going solo again and we won't hear from the brothers for a whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile just like last time. Then, maybe they'll get desperate enough to call my man Dave!

I know Dave has hit the wall too but at least he's the same guy he's always been! Ed goes around for years talking about his singers having "LSD" and him getting sober and clear and being a loving husband and father, meanwhile he rots his tongue off drinking and smoking, leaves his wife and goes on a fullblown midlife crisis...there's some pics of him on www.dlrarmy.com drinking with a buncha chicks in a bar...I'm sure his son is proud of that. Ed...I'm sorry but you're being a dick and driving everyone away from you.

I Take Sammy's side on this one, if he does leave. But I wish the best for DAVE, and I'd love to see him come back, even if it bombs, just for the sheer humor of it.

what do you think?

Sammy even after signing on for the VH tour & recroding the new tracks, said he wasn't done as a solo artist. So, I don't think he's left, but the fact that he went back so quickly, to his solo band, leads to to believe that he might not think the VH situation was all that he thought it would...
If you think about it, Hagar is not about laying around waiting for something to happen.
He makes things happen. Think. How many records did he put out in the time VH put out VH III?! I'd be carefully what you wish for. If Roth comes back, it would be similar to The Crue with Vince. He can't sing anymore! There would be hype, but once the word got out about Roth, the sales would fizzle & the tour might not even continue...
With Hagar, you have a guy that can still sing & isn't about "flash."
I definitely agree with you that Hagar is the better singer/talent/worker/musician! But I like the FLASH! haha

I know if Roth came back it would be a huge joke, a disappointment, and a total 180 to the musical integrity of the band. But then again, so was VH3 with Cherone!!!! The brothers have nothing left to lose! Neither does Roth! Why not let the world see what FUN rock n roll is about again? Even if it only lasted a few months...
just my take, though
Van Halen was all about the flash, what's wrong with the flash!

I'm totally with TVF here!! Who cares if a reunion with Roth would diminish any musical integrity they had or if his voice is in bad shape or if if doesn't last long and ends up being short lived or a bit of a joke? Van Halen with Roth was all about fun, humour, excitement, entertainment and living for the moment anyway.
Seriously, and I'm no hater, Van Halen has been over for years. All respect to TedvanF...but even a Dave reunion could be lacking at this point. It's a shame really. I think that Fair Warning, Diver Down, and stuff before were just great, great albums. What they really need to do is release some of the cool concert videos from the old days ; when it was all excess and huge stageshows. Oh, and since people often voice their opnions on this I'll throw in my two cents - VH was only really Van Halen with Dave. He was a cheesey guy, but he was a great frontman.
sixxswine said:
Sammy even after signing on for the VH tour & recroding the new tracks, said he wasn't done as a solo artist. So, I don't think he's left, but the fact that he went back so quickly, to his solo band, leads to to believe that he might not think the VH situation was all that he thought it would...
If you think about it, Hagar is not about laying around waiting for something to happen.
He makes things happen. Think. How many records did he put out in the time VH put out VH III?! I'd be carefully what you wish for. If Roth comes back, it would be similar to The Crue with Vince. He can't sing anymore! There would be hype, but once the word got out about Roth, the sales would fizzle & the tour might not even continue...
With Hagar, you have a guy that can still sing & isn't about "flash."
:yell: Damn! That's what I wanted to write....got to be quicker next timeo_O
I would have to agree that Van Halen has been "over" for about a decade...
I think if they got together to write a record, they wouldn't come up with anything like 5150 or OU812, which are the best Hagar era records...
F.U.C.K. was a mixed bag, though Pound Cake was a killer single that lead to lots of interest & lots of sales... Balance was the weakest effort to next to VH 3.
If they can't put out a quality disc, I'd rather remember them for the three new tracks they recorded & the tour they did & call it good.
gee what a surprise lol money must not be coming in or not good enough.. anyways i always thought Eddie was a dick however great guitarist he is... like Ted says he has his head up his ass.. Always has... in his mind he can do no wrong but all others around him are wrong or assholes... anyways i just want to see Dave with VH again just to say i saw them because i was too young when he was with them back in 1979-1985... plus i dont think Dave has lost his voice has he? he was the last concert i ever saw here in NY... years ago.. I thought he put on a great show and everyone enjoyed it.. if he never goes back to VH then i wish his original solo band with Vai would get back together.. his first 2 solo albums not including Crazy from the Heat were great... yeah i havent gone to shows in very long time.. but i will start going again this new year coming up...
tedvanfrehley said:
I think the best thing VAN HALEN can do at this point is put out the US FESTIVAL show on dvd, with crystal clear picture and sound!!! I think that is their best show ever caught on film (that I've seen!)
You're right that's the best quality show I have seen from that era. There so many good Hagar era shows, the Toronto PPV, Dallas, where they played in a Tower Records parking lot... There's a couple others.
Trixxi Trash said:
Hagar era shows aren't as good though.

They NEED an official Roth-era concert out on DVD.

Wouldn't Roth need to give approval for such a thing because of copyrights and such? and since him and the brothers hate each other i cant see Roth giving approval unless he just wants the money and gives the go ahead for it... :erk:
Trixxi Trash said:
Van Halen was all about the flash, what's wrong with the flash!

I'm totally with TVF here!! Who cares if a reunion with Roth would diminish any musical integrity they had or if his voice is in bad shape or if if doesn't last long and ends up being short lived or a bit of a joke? Van Halen with Roth was all about fun, humour, excitement, entertainment and living for the moment anyway.
I just seen Roth a few months ago..
He ain't no fuckin' joke ...he is Van Halen, but without the lying guityrant haha

I'm sure this will stir the holliday hip re-place-it around -some balls haha

Because Roth is a 100x better frontman than Hagar and the main thing I want to see in a Van Halen show is David Lee Roth. I love alot of the Hagar-era songs and I love 5150... but absolutely regardless of setlists, tightness, or basically any aspect of the show you can think of, it all comes down to the fact that David Lee Roth in my eyes was the greatest frontman of all time and even the best of absolutely everything else about the band can't compete with Roth.

In other words, I'd rather see a sloppy off-night from the band with terrible sound and a shit setlist from the Roth-era than the best show the band can possibly do with a great setlist and awesome sound and really tight and mega-huge stageshow with Hagar, because the Roth-era show has who I consider the greatest frontman of all time hosting the show.
The Swine and the Trixxter are neck to neck on this one....here's my take....

I like Hagar. Love him SOLO, like him in VH.

I LOVE David Lee Roth. LOVE him solo. Love him period. He is what escapism through rock and roll is all about. Not the angst side, but the crazy side.

To compare Hagar era VH vs. Roth era VH is like comparing The Yardbirds to Led Zeppelin. Yeah, Jimmy Page was in both, but they're different bands. Ed plays some great guitar in both versions (my opinion) but they are two different bands. They just happen to share the same name.

When ROTH LEFT VAN HALEN THE FUN WAS GONE. Yeah, 5150 was a great album. BUt was it a great Van Halen album???? Not compared to stuff like WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST or of course the earlier releases.

Here's how to guage it: If you can hear the music in the dentists' chair - it ain't real Van Halen. If you're having a tooth filled or drilled, chances are you may hear "Dreams" or "Right Now" ....maybe even "Top of the World" on soft rock WKRAP...but I'll bet you a glazed donut and a bottle of anything you'll never hear UNCHAINED, TAKE YOUR WHISKEY HOME, or EVERYBODY WANTS SOME unless you sit in the chair until after hours and the Doc breaks out his own boom box and passes you the laughing gas!!!!!!!! THAT, my friends is David Lee Roth inspired, whacky, wild and wooly Van Freaking Halen!