Right, what are Katatonia?...


Serpent Headed Mask
Nov 24, 2002
A couple of my friends think musically its Emo. Now I can't say I listen to Emo, so I can't really say, but Katatonia just doesn't sound how I would associate it. I think of whingey, screamy things when I think of Emo.

What would you say Katatonia were?
no, not emo but i'd say that Viva Emptiness is farily close to it. A friend of mine said it was what linkin park might sound like if they didn't suck ass. Rapping vocals aside I can see the similarities but katatonia doesn't have the whole whiney angst thing (thank god) that I associate with emo. Emo is like depression lite, all those shallow surface emotions, katatonia is a lot darker to me and far more melancholy.

There is no purpose to catagorizing groups anyway, all that does is help generalize the musical tastes of casual listeners (sheep) so they can make more uninformed buying decisions. It simply gives rise to comments like "death metal sux cuz canibal corpze sux" or "I hate pop". Just stupid broad generalities that serve no purpose.
emo is shit like...

Further Seems Forever [very good]

and well some people call Thursday "emocore" just because they're a tad heavier, without being metal...

I like The Strkoes a lot too, but i think they're more "rock 'n roll"

anyway, all three rule.
Get new friends.
Then kill yourself, because of the things Katatonia is NOT both "emo" and "good" appear on the list.

Your friends are daft. Try Doom or Goth Metal and you'll be getting closer.
I've always seen them as a sort of Lite-Doom.. those droning riffs, yet minus the heavy downpouring aspect. I'm not a very big fan so I wouldn't really go with my interpretation of the genre, haha.
fadingessence said:
A friend of mine said it was what linkin park might sound like if they didn't suck ass. Rapping vocals aside I can see the similarities
Walking by a Wire is the only song that I'd say had ANY similarities with Linkin Park. If you can find something on Brave Murder Day that sounds like LP, I'll post pictures of my testicles.
WTF is EMO??? And yeah...before you accuse me of beeing a noob, gay, ignorant or whatever for not knowing what EMO is, please answer my question. ThÆNk you.
Katatonia are definitely not Emo. Their early stuff is Doom Metal, and the newer stuff I would say could be best described as Gothic Rock. Ugh...just thinking about Dashboard Confessional brings bile to the back of my throat.

P.S. You can tell a band is truly Emo when the guys cry more than their girlfriends at the shows.
For what it's worth, I'm not a fan of classification, but if I had to class it as something (so it's easier to describe to someone who has never heard it before, and thus give them a hint as to whether they might like it or not; about the only thing classifications are good for), then I would classify it as a cross between doom metal (eg, early Anathema, My Dying Bride) and dark rock (I just made it up then [unless it's already used], such as A Perfect Circle, etc).
Add a pinch of something that is unclassifiable, and Voila! Katatonia!
I'd describe 'em (nowadays) as emotional rock/metal.

NOT AT ALL "EMO" but very EMOTIONAL music.

I do love 'em from the bottom of my heart, and I can't understand why they aren't A LOT more popular, I mean you've got heavy riffs AND beautiful [sad] melodies...
Words cannot express my love for Katatonia's music... beautiful leads and melodies, emotional vocals, heavy riffs, depressing atmosphere... I fuckin' love Katatonia.

If I had to, I'd classify Brave Muder Day era Katatonia as doom/death, Discouraged Ones era as doom metal, and Tonight's Decision and Viva Emptiness as melancholic metal.

To call Katatonia EMO is a fuckin' insult.
